by on August 15, 2019
So I recently got my hands on some albino penis envy. I have done who knows how many mushrooms this summer but certainly more than I ever had at any other point in my life. I knew that the apes were probably much more potent than my usual supply and probably should have taken less, but I was cocky and wanted to push it as far as possible. So I didn't eat anything before I started because I wanted to get the most of them. I set aside 10g and began to eat them but I only made it through about 8 o...
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by on February 15, 2020
Hi guys! I would like to describe my "bad trip" that landed me in the hospital with mushrooms as well as ask for way to avoid this situation in the future. I haven't tried mushrooms again since this experience, but have been looking into tea or other ways to consume psilocybin.  A few years ago I lived in an apartment with 4 of my friends, they were more experienced with psychedelics than I was at the time and we decided to take mushrooms one night. I believe I had 3-4 grams all together and ...
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by on October 31, 2019
I had quite the experience on my last and highest dose that Ive wanted to share properly for almost 6 months. So I think to myself one day, hey, im an experienced psychonaut. So like a dumbass I decide to take this dose at a park on a hammock like kennedy decided to go to the moon. Alls cool until the come up when I realize that no way I could do this anywhere except my bed what was I thinking! So... I decided to drive back to my house down the street less than 10 mins away, and oh yeah I lived...
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by on September 2, 2020
I have had a life-long relationship with psychedelics. I began using dextromethorphan (DXM), a sigma agonist that is available OTC, when I was 15. I began using it after severe domestic cPTSD. My interest in psychedelics grew from there. I was able to find an inner peace where I could escape for hours on end. A world of my own creation devised of beautiful geometric shapes and vivid colors. I should also mention that high doses of DXM paralyze you and you are forced to deal with yourself alone i...
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by on May 9, 2020
Brief background: The one and only time I tried mushrooms was years ago with friends and we were just planning on having a fun relaxing night. My body did not take well to the mushrooms (approx 3 gs) and gave me the most intense cramps in my lower stomach and intestines. Cramps comparable to right before I've had to have surgery for endometriosis. I ended up going to the hospital and after my tests came back was told to not have a lot of fiber in my diet because it can cause that kind of crampin...
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by on October 26, 2019
London UK friends! Let's get trippy???? Liberty Caps are growing!
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by on October 17, 2020
I must start by saying that I had already made up my mind about eating them that night. However, I didn’t have the place where to and neither the right mindset to fully embrace what I had coming my way.   I spent a lot of time walking around the place I was living at that time, trying to find the right hotel where to trip and spend the night. ...
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by on December 18, 2020
So, I decided I would go ahead and write up a trip report regarding my first ever true experience with psilocybin. It was a while ago, so it’s really just as much as I can remember. I had been working at my cousins dispensary for about a month now, and in the back all the coworkers had a bunch of golden teachers. Now I’d tried shrooms before, however I’d been drinking and smoking already - and it wasn’t enough to do anything (that I could notice anyway.) So, I walk into the “back room” and my ...
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by on April 3, 2020
Amount:  7.5 G of dried mushrooms (variety of cubes: GT, B+, Tropical and Mexican varieties). Method: lemon tek (20 minutes) followed by tea tek (steeped 40 minutes, stirring occasionally). Added natural local honey for taste. ...
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by on March 7, 2021
Trip Report Substance: Psilocybin Mushrooms (Penis Envy) Dosage: 14g 8:45pm: Knowing I was gonna trip, I didn’t eat all day. Consumed the mushrooms. I always find that smoking a bong of some good weed somehow will make the effects come faster, so I figured I’d do so....
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by on May 1, 2019
It was saturday and I was about to transcend space and time by means of a newly formed friendship. I was incredably sleep deprived all day, leading into that night, but I knew that I had to eat the shrooms and I knew everything would work out. 7 years post kundalini awakening, I am guided by magnetic forces, and this was the universe serving my evolution. This would be my 3rd trip and by far the most profound and powerful. We had about 2.3 grams each. My friend downed his and I slowly ate mine l...
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by on February 5, 2022
You know its hard to remeber being so out of my mind but here it goes. I started with a 6hr fast to prepare my stomach for the 10 grams was about to eat. After seeing what 10 grams of sacred fruits even looked like i definitely began having second thoughts. But i figured I would never feel too eager to consume the bitter taste the psilocybin mushroom. Looking in the fridge i was only able to find a yogurt cup that seemed like a fair mix and good for the digestion. The onset was as normal as a...
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