by on May 20, 2020
   First, I want to warn any readers that this may be a long winded report and to feel free to skim along if desired.    I had moved to Denver the previous year and had no real intention to pursue these beautiful substances, but I will address this misconception later. My relationship with these substances has been changed forever. The opportunity came about as a coworker of my roommate at the time had gotten into many substances outside psychedelics. My roommate had taken a small dosage of mus...
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by on November 27, 2019
So I have quite a bit of golden DMT spice and considered myself a seasoned psychonaught decided to say fuck it all and go "All In". Used a WillyMyco supercharger plastic bottle vape so don't scorch my spice and can get big beautiful clouds. I was good to go happy camper ready to break through the veil and get some insights into life from an alternate point of view.  So I did the legal 3 (power hits) and one more just so the Spirit knows I surrender to the journey it will take me on. First hit...
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by on November 7, 2019
Tried close to 10g mostly GT fresh yesterday, with some B+ pins. I got a lot of housework done without feeling overwhelmed like I typically do. I also got to stretch a little, meditate, and mind travel. It helped get me to the core of some issues in my life. I can feel how it's changing the way i think, unraveling knotted thoughts, slowly but steadily showing me the way, much better thought clarity... There's room being made for love to grow.
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by on October 28, 2019
I inhaled about 25 mg of dmt smoke and the entire room around me became focused completely on the fragrance burner, so I put it down inside a small container. There was a song playing called 'Lotus Garden Spaces' by the Desert Dwellers and it put me into absolute bliss as I laid on my back to begin my journey. Immediatly the ceiling above me began to open sort of slowly, and when I say open I mean it was like there was a small black hole that continuously got bigger and bigger. Eventually everyt...
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by on October 17, 2019
One of my most insightful experiences was 5gs by myself in my room, complete silence and darkness. You really do learn an immense amount about yourself and about the universe when you can truly meditate in your own space comfortably. I felt the presence of divine powers at one point, the duration of the trip was spent laying on my back and these divine powers would encourage me to feel my heart (I had a drinking problem). It was like the mushrooms were telling me what I need to do to begin a pur...
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by on October 16, 2019
I finish eating the remaining crumbs and tiny caps leftover in the bag and take a big deep breath. This is not my first time, but this is my first time alone in the prairie. There are many valleys between the rolling hills with densely forested areas, and my plan was to make my way along the creek for awhile until I came across an area of forest where I felt comfortable to begin my trip. Soon the sun would be setting, and I was indeed the only person out here because technically the entrance to ...
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by on September 19, 2019
The trip I had the other night was extremely powerful, perhaps the most powerful yet. I was getting crazy vivid visuals. I was stuck in the "waiting room" essentially just seeing fractals and patterns. I started wondering if anything significant was going to happen when I heard, "I can show you all these beautiful things but if you come without intentions, it means nothing." So I asked for healing. Immediately, I felt embraced by this universal being, I felt like a baby being rocked by mother. S...
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