by on November 2, 2020
I took 5g last weekend. This was my 3rd time. Each time I've had pretty profound breakthrus. I prefer 5g of shrooms to taking ayahuasca as breakthrus are guaranteed for me with shrooms and there's no nausea. Anyway... This trip was different than anything I've experienced before. I was in my bedroom, lights out and silent. The moon was visible through my window and when it would catch my eye, I felt like it was God or some form of intelligence. It was communicating with me and trying to teach me...
117 views 8 likes
by on July 31, 2020
Dear friends, Recently i expierence something new, which backs up the hypothesis that the human body is capable of synthesizing DMT on its own. This is what happend in a nutshell-ish: ...
201 views 15 likes
by on October 31, 2019
I had quite the experience on my last and highest dose that Ive wanted to share properly for almost 6 months. So I think to myself one day, hey, im an experienced psychonaut. So like a dumbass I decide to take this dose at a park on a hammock like kennedy decided to go to the moon. Alls cool until the come up when I realize that no way I could do this anywhere except my bed what was I thinking! So... I decided to drive back to my house down the street less than 10 mins away, and oh yeah I lived...
214 views 35 likes
by on September 15, 2019
Tonight I tried my second round of dmt. My first was only a few nights ago. I didnt take much from the first, it was mostly just a wild ride through a colorful tube. Felt heavy with an incredible wave of happiness over me. Only problem was I came to and a halloween decoration was looking right at me lol.   ...
168 views 3 likes
by on May 1, 2019
It was saturday and I was about to transcend space and time by means of a newly formed friendship. I was incredably sleep deprived all day, leading into that night, but I knew that I had to eat the shrooms and I knew everything would work out. 7 years post kundalini awakening, I am guided by magnetic forces, and this was the universe serving my evolution. This would be my 3rd trip and by far the most profound and powerful. We had about 2.3 grams each. My friend downed his and I slowly ate mine l...
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