Trip Reports
Ivwas in my which faces a dead tree in my yard. I sat eyes closed after taking 4 huge hits. Then after maybe 5 mins of fractals and geometry I decided to open my eyes. My yard and house looked sooooo weird! The grass was like thick claymation plants, my tree was half it's size and looking sooo nuts like something from a tool video, the woods behind it (which are dead as of now due to winter) looked like a wooden web. My home was decorated with swirling lights. The weirdest part was the color dif...
I started the day off with a few tabs of acid at 1 p.m. but have been eating then too much lately so they wasn't really frying me like they should have but I was still enjoying the buzz. At midnight my buddy busts out the shrooms. I told him I don't really get off on shrooms when I do them. He said I'm nit doing it right. I said ok show me then lol. He did a 3.5 gram lemon tek soaked for like 40 mins. Then I drank it. A hour later I was just enjoying a decent body buzz then he handed me 6 capsul...
Took some DMT from the wizard himself and let me tell you it may not have been a blast off but holy shit the things I saw and not having the words to describe it. I threw up after the second hit and I saw lines that looked like circuitry running through my vomit. (Ik gross) I then closed my eyes and saw 3 eyes looking at me in very geometric patterns. It felt like I was waiting in a room for this entity. It looked like the eyes were blinking as if trying to communicate to me yet I couldn’t fatho...
I'd like to start by saying I do believe psilocybin can be beneficial to its users. I know it was for me in the beginning.
I recently experienced the most horrific trip of my life. I ate well over an ounce of mushrooms. I quickly was so far gone I found myself in an uncontrollable loop of a song by The Used where I remember screaming all kinds of words that came to mind making zero sense. My brain was moving faster than I could process what was happening. I experienced what it was to be psyco...
Salvia Divinorum Trip Report - Fresh Leaf
Dose & Consumption Method
• Substance: Salvia Divinorum (one large leaf)
• Size: Approximately 5-6 inches long by 2.5 inches wide...
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I just had an amazing experience. I didn't chicken out this time. After taking a few gel tabs, I decided to hit my yocan four times and omg! Yes!!! I literally watched a serpent open me reach in and take what was blocking me and my family from abundance. It told me it was doing so. It had to I'm scared to death of snakes lol. It constantly reassured me that it was OK and only here to help me and she did amd this was all very real but very cgi too. Now something happened I was definitely not expe...
So a few friends/a cousin and a brother of mine were doing dmt out of a dab rig one night. I was 3rd in line sitting Indian style with my back to a pillar. Soon as it was passed to me I closed my eyes and held it in until I saw a Oiuja board of the multidimensional hyperspace magic sort spelling out a cursed name for me. I said A FUCK THAT! And I imprinted some of my good energy on it. It immediately turned from red to green and now read "FELIX" as my name as in Harry Potter/good luck. They aske...
There's a very gratifying feeling that I get each time I introduce DMT to somebody for the first time. I'm super grateful that Yesterday I got a chance to be a part of someones profound experience And I really do take extra measures to ensure that . For example my trip room is set up with black lights and tapestries of Tranquil waterfalls mushrooms and astronauts in outer space Or on other planets And everything else is tidy and clean and I make it a point to explain to every individual The th...
So I wanted to bring up some things that are def without a doubt going to bring up  skepticism but it would be absolutely ignorant not to share these experiences so … I wanted to talk about a set of some legitimate beliefs that I now hold from psychedelic experiences I am a Christian Mystic  psychedelics have led me to mysticism and mysticism, has gifted me with certain discernments aka gifts from god that I believe any other person can have access to if they achieve the level of awareness I ...
Possible trigger warning ⚠️
Background: I'm a 28 year old male. I've always struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts and have acted on a few. This being said I typically have a negative outlook on life. So I've always been scared of psychedelics, up until recently I started exploring LSD, mushrooms,and whatever I could get my hands on. It's changed my life drastically. Due to a difficult trip on lsd I've stopped drinking and being a complete idiot and have turned my life around.
I had a breakthrough journey like no other so I decided to play the god frequency and smoke dmt as I was listening and smoking I completely relaxed myself petting mu cat while doing so I also invited anything in that might want to take over my body so I start getting this amazing feeling and I notice I didn't need my hand on my cat to pet her and then all the sudden I'm the most beautiful being I've ever seen my whole body was flowing like the smoke of rhe dmt and I was able to keep smoking it t...
I was with a close friend of mine and we had taken the Lucy then a little ket to kill the nerves. After a couple hrs we decided to go to the shed and hit the dmt. He turned on some dubstep and that shed turned into a rocket ship lol. Later I watched him shape-shift into a reptilian while he was telling me a story. I told him what I was seeing and it was freaking me out but he just kept telling his story. Messed with me a little. Later when it was time to wind down and he had gone I laid down and...
Featured Trip Report
I did it this afternoon (9/11/21), filmed it, start to finish was 20 minutes, which was way longer t...
There’s a lot to like about liberty caps, and one of these is the delicious flavour. I drank the da...
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