I'm a very fun guy
About Me
November 28, 2024
I had a breakthrough journey like no other so I decided to play the god frequency and smoke dmt as I was listening and smoking I completely relaxed myself petting mu cat while doing so I also invited anything in that might want to take over my body so I start getting this amazing feeling and I notice I didn't need my hand on my cat to pet her and then all the sudden I'm the most beautiful being I've ever seen my whole body was flowing like the smoke of rhe dmt and I was able to keep smoking it to keep being these beings and then I turn into the most beautiful light I've ever seen and it felt so loving like all love ever loved was me and then I started hitting my drum and as I'm doing so my drum is standing on its edges as to leave the bottom open for sound without keeping my hands on it and it was swaying with my movements me and that drum were one and I started doing the most beautiful Indian chant or war cry I've ever heard and I've never made these sounds before and I was loud and I was still smoking pretty soon I tore my shirt off and my shoes and socks and I stepped outside and the god frequency still playing on my phone that I had now thrown outside and I get out in my driveway beating the drum and stomping and war crying louder and louder now everything and everyone around had to have been put on pause because this should have got the cops called on me and I had no control so I'm still smoking and drumming and then I go inside fir a minute at this point I lose my vape charger and it wears off and I'm frantically looking for the charger can't fingmd it but I find my other battery and sit back puffing and listening again to the frequency and this time I feel sexual and I can't even describe the feelings I got and I was touching myself all over and letting out the awesomnest organic Moans orgasmic and can't even explain how my body looked it was all contortedand crazy looking and bam the most amazing feeling of pleasure one has ever felt and I exploded into a burst of beautiful light and let out a deep raw yell oohhhhh yeahghh I threw the vape down will regret this later busted out my door pants down dick out oohhh yeah baby I'm yelling as I'm gaining this amazing power and getting physically bigger and bigger and going down the driveway all my clothes are coming off and now I have the power to pick up a fucking car if I wanted to so I'm in the street now I can see my neighbor and he looked panicked but I look at him and he goes into pause mode like I pushed pause on his existence and I passed him gauningvpower I push a car and it almost flipped over now I get around the corner and my legs hurt like I was walking for miles but I only wen 1000 ft or so and I realize I'm naked in the street and this ain't good so I run in the woods and eventually make it back home wow just wow is all I can say and this actually happened I wasn't dreaming or nothing myvclothes arecstilk in the drive way
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When magnificent trip, it interesting to read
November 28, 2024

Jesus Delgadillo
December 25, 2024