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Psychology and Philosophy
At what stage is it okay to add mineral nutrients to the water? I heard 3 weeks in.
7 people like this.
You are using coco coir and vermiculite as your medium I see? With that medium you want to start adding nutrients with water of course for the plant to grow. The main benefit of using coir is that you don't have to water often and it is mold resistant. However, it lacks in nutrients so you have to g... View More
Like November 14, 2021
echo38 it works really good. I really love that specific tek for small personal use grows. I do autoflower mainly but someday would love to have a big bush in the backyard and collect seeds from it. Keep the cycle going and always clone the plant.
Like November 14, 2021
Chernobyl its actually coir and perlite. I chose the coir because i read that it was nutrient rich and it was extra from my other project. "The chemical constituents of coco coir include cellulose, lignin, potassium, phosphorus, chloride and sodium. There are also trace amounts of nitrogen, magnesiu... View More
Like November 15, 2021 Edited
The perlite was to keep the soil aerated and help with the root structure. At least that is my intention..
Like November 15, 2021 Edited
Fuck. I fucked it up. Help.
1 person likes this.
Don't worry just put the blunt back in the ashtray and clean up tomorrow 1f609.png
Like December 12, 2020
You people are my favorite types.
Like December 12, 2020
The Mushroom Man
Whatever it is, just sign it and call it modern art. Boom. Solved
Like December 13, 2020
I met what I'm going to refer to as "the cleaning crew" last night. There were 4 of them, waving their electric heads into my soul for 5 hours. They either found a demon or the portal I had opened all... View More
15 people like this.
It felt a lot like i was completely cleaned out. I was very nervous for a good 24 hours after because i felt like i was robbed. Then, everything built back upon itself stronger than it was before. I feel like it helped me grow while also getting rid of all the layers of messed up thinking i had keep... View More
Like August 1, 2020
Ive encountered some energy that destroyed my body. I felt my teeth shatter into dust and my bones crushed. My entire physical existence made into the smallest pieces of matter to be picked through and cleaned in order to be put back together anew.
Like August 3, 2020
Love that molecule
Like August 3, 2020
Cheers! Preparing to dive back in sometime soon to get me ears wet.
Like August 5, 2020
LSD question
Do any of you have experience with dosing while on blood pressure medication? Please state your age.
2 people like this.
Mushrooms are not LSD. LSD is known to increase blood pressure more. Please ask a real doctor.
Like July 4, 2020
Your are correct, mushrooms are not LSD but are a psychedelic and imo a safer option to be considered given the situation
Like July 4, 2020
Disclaimers are lawyer crap invented to cover asses imho. It's more than a disclaimer. I really care FennecFox. see page 7 "Physiological Effect" (https://maps.org/research-archive/lsd/swisslsd/IB_LSD.pdf) "Physiological effects include slight increases in blood pressure and heart rate, vasoconstri... View More
Like April 27, 2021
FennecFox yes and my own family doctor is a good example. I once went to see a specialist and when the results came back he admitted to me he had to google the thing to understand what it was all about. They can't know everything and it was wise enough of him to be open about it. The worse doctors a... View More
Like April 27, 2021 Edited
First time using agar. 3 days in. Not seeing branches yet but I am liking the pure white color. Wdyt?
4 people like this.
Thank you for that. I'd be pretty nervous about taking a scalpel to these snowballs just yet. Im going to give them a few days and see what happens. I used a LC syringe to transfer to the plate. Hopefully my agar was done right and it starts to branch out.
Like June 15, 2020
Jay Pickles
Definitely a couple different things growing in there. Were you using a still air box?
Like June 16, 2020
The lids to my plates are loose and disposable so its possible that they have been exposed to a number of things. Idk where/how I'm supposed to store them after they get knocked up also.
Like June 16, 2020
I just did a transfer. Can i just out it on top another trays' agar or should it be flush?
Like June 16, 2020
Is this the right stuff for A/B lime tek? I've never done it this way before but im told its less volatile and less dangerous compared to Lye.
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Oh right i think i meant as a substitute for lye.
Like June 15, 2020
Crusty Dabs
After you do a pull evaporate your solvent by 1/2 before freeze precipitation
Like June 15, 2020
Good looks
Like June 15, 2020
Any opinion on a/b lime tek? I was considering trying to find some calcium hydroxide if it's worth the effort.
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Victor, I found a tek that uses both. I'd like to fet your thoughts on it.
Like June 8, 2020
My problem is I cant find a reliable calcium hydroxide. Somewhere in every review is someone claiming they got the non hydrated powder which is useless so idk who to trust.
Like June 9, 2020
Will someone with experience please verify this tek so I can be less worried about ruining 250 g of MHRB?
Greatly appreciated.
6 people like this.
Thank you all! Any opinions on lime tec? I was thinking of getting some calcium hydroxide.
Like June 8, 2020
I think ill be doing that. I only have medium sized lidded jars anyway so ill probably split uo the 250 gs of mhrb i have into 5 jars. That, and I dont trust anyone who claims they have actual hydrated calcium.
Like June 9, 2020
I found first time extractors had a better success rate with, something like gordo thats "food grade" or less potential for adversity of lye. you initial yield is low but definitely enough for a few friends to travel a few times. from the first pull. but it will allow you to get a basic idea of what... View More
Like June 9, 2020
this is my go to...easy...and my yields consistently 2% which seems to be normal and im perfectly content with
Like June 15, 2020
I'm trying a slightly different tek this time. I plan on bringing vinegar water and mhrb to a boil before doing the naptha in a heat bath (crock pot). I've heard that boiling the bark could damage the... View More
4 people like this.
Extraction from a base solution I prefer 140F to avoid emulsion and pulling excess fats into your freeze precip
Like June 6, 2020
I might be a shroom newb but I been extracting deems for a decade. And when mhrb went through its ban phase thats when acaica was the only option. That shit made me realize how spoiled I was to have mhrb. You could have crystals in hours instead of days.
Like June 6, 2020
So I was about to do it wrong it appears. Back to studying.
Like June 8, 2020
Yessir. Either acid to base or straight to base. You wouldn't have wrecked it though, just wouldn't have pulled any DMT, it would still be in the soup and you would have been back asking why you didn't get anything. Some helpful person would have explained that FB is only soluble in NPS when in a ba... View More
Like June 8, 2020
Anyone have any literature on dissolving DMT into vape liquid (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin)?
All I have found is to "just dissolve the crystals in the solution". Any special techniques?
7 people like this.
Saw some one post the other day with pretty much these same responses, except they said they put .5g in 2ml. Flavorless. But yeah, warm water bath to disolve the crystals. I think this will be how i try it when i am able.
Like May 27, 2020
Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm seeing that the comfortable ratio is 1:4 dmt to PG/VG "solution". My brand offers a 60 PG/40 VG.
Like May 27, 2020
Jay Pickles
Since it's 60/40 with pg being 60 you should be good! Just don't want it to be to thick.
Like May 27, 2020
I'll come back to this with a report once I put it all together.
Like May 28, 2020
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