on May 26, 2020
Anyone have any literature on dissolving DMT into vape liquid (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin)?
All I have found is to "just dissolve the crystals in the solution". Any special techniques?
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Saw some one post the other day with pretty much these same responses, except they said they put .5g in 2ml. Flavorless. But yeah, warm water bath to disolve the crystals. I think this will be how i try it when i am able.
Like May 27, 2020
Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm seeing that the comfortable ratio is 1:4 dmt to PG/VG "solution". My brand offers a 60 PG/40 VG.
Like May 27, 2020
Jay Pickles
Since it's 60/40 with pg being 60 you should be good! Just don't want it to be to thick.
Like May 27, 2020
I'll come back to this with a report once I put it all together.
Like May 28, 2020