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Jay Pickles
I have missed ya'll, sorry I haven't been around much but my life's kinda upside down right now and I'm trying my best to flip things back upright. My hearts continually telling me i need a full reset... View More
7 people like this.
Hey man. Glad to have you around again. I hope you get yourself right side up. Hugs.
Like July 6, 2023
Hugs, friend. Nice to feel your vibes.
Like July 6, 2023
We missed you too.
Like July 7, 2023
Hey hey. Hope all is well. Any summer projects this year?
1 person likes this.
Jay Pickles
Not really yet, kinda having a rough year, but plan to bounce back asap. Thanks for checking in
Like July 6, 2023
Life is like that sometimes. Good to at least hear back, hopefully things turn aroun in your favor. Sending you some good vibes.
Like July 12, 2023
Jay Pickles
Thought I'd share a little update, rooms looking good even though I'm still behind schedule by a lot. Harvest time soon though, God I love autoflowers so much, I don't get the hate they receive honest... View More
36 people like this.
Jay Pickles youre absolutely right, it is all about genetics. Autos have made some serious progress just in the last couple of years. Mephisto has some dope gear, ive also had some good luck with a couple dutch passion strains. The people who are hating on autos are generally people who tried their ... View More
Like November 28, 2020
Buds are lookin mighty nice BTW
Like November 29, 2020
Jay Pickles
ALX8721 These are mostly 207 genetics I've tried so far, I haven't tried mephisto or night owl but I'm always open to try new genetics.
Like December 1, 2020
Jay Pickles
I'm also running some Barney's farms purple punch.
Like December 1, 2020
Jay Pickles
Finally said fuck it and started building a large (20'x12&#039wink.gif "office" in my basement recently. My wife's having some health issues and I need to step up the level of money I bring home. So here's my... View More
28 people like this.
Jay Pickles
Update, things are working pretty good. Just got to find a cheaper hook up for autoflower seeds. Lol most people have crap autoflowers genetics, I've found that out fast.
Like October 25, 2020
Imo the best autoflowers are from sweetseeds and they've got reasonable prices. Ofcourse if you would still like to save some more cash on seeds you could buy some colloidal silver and make your own fem auto seeds. 1 small plant can easily carry hundreds of seeds. And trust me on this one, you selec... View More
Like October 25, 2020
I would give you the best autoflower and genetics hook up in USA but you were a fucking asshole in another thread. Say hello to your mom for me
Like November 17, 2020
Jay Pickles
@genghis I was an asshole because you was being a little bitch. *shrugs* and honestly doubt you have any where close to "THE BEST AUTOFLOWER HOOK UP" lol and even if you do I'm all set with owing a favor to a pos. Sorry but if I saw you in person I bet you'd be quite. Sheenåniganž I appreciate you... View More
Like November 20, 2020
Jay Pickles
Does anyone know what the type of grinder that is people use for grinding horse poop for substrate? Thanks in advance beautiful people. Mush love
1 person likes this.
I normally use my teeth
Like July 21, 2020
Joey Green
The Equine Pooper Powderizer by Ronco of course! The official substrate preparation device of the Mr Ed show ... Aaaaaa... horse is a horse of course of course, And no one can bust up those horse turds of course, Unless one uses the official pooper powderizer of the famous Mr Ed!... View More
Like July 21, 2020
Jay Pickles
I know this is kinda an odd question but does anyone here fuck with stocks? I've recently started messing around with them a little and just wondered if anyone on here was better at it then me lol whi... View More
6 people like this.
Fungi lab
He basically just finds good stocks. Like ones with a loaw float. And high volume.or a deadcatbounce he tells us what to buy and when to sell. He gives is a lz and a pt. . he outlines a stratagey for us all to follow and suggest we never break it .. its all about diversifying never go inn on one... View More
Like July 12, 2020
I have been investing on and off for years. Mid March when everything dropped I swiched my stuff from 80/20 stocks/bonds to 100% stocks did pretty well off the rebound. We also had some cash put aside and put that into the market mid March as well and have had pretty good success from the dip and re... View More
Like July 12, 2020
I've been fucking with crypto, I believe that's where we are heading. who fucking knows
Like September 1, 2020
Who's got TSLA calls right now?!
Like September 1, 2020
Jay Pickles
After the update the website loads normally for me, but the app wont load for me at all. Anyone else having this problem?
2 people like this.
App not working on android
Like June 10, 2020
Jay Pickles
Thanks, figured something was up but just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me. 1f642.png
Like June 10, 2020
Your tip of over hydrating with the needle method really worked great!! Got some big mushies over here on the 3th flush, thanks man!! <3>
11 people like this.
Can i get in on this tip? Just poke holes all over the sub and submerge?
Like May 29, 2020
Spacetime, this is all Ive done to my sub: After the first flush I soaked it overnight, let it sit outside (protected) where it was 5-7° celcius. At the second flush the mushies were aborting deu to lack of moisture, so I started giving extra water. After giving the second flush extra water there wa... View More
Like May 29, 2020
Sweeeeeet! Thank you
Like May 29, 2020
T rex ophora
Jay Pickles
The beat to this song is fuckin memorizing while tripping.
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