Im the artist "I See The Sun" trynna raise the vibrancy of this planet with spiritual healing rock m... View More
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Heyoo?????? anyone in Sweden wanting to hang out??
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Please come up then if u like some time! I´ll show u around and stuff. Got 2 dogs and 2 cats and shrooms as well so...
Yess ill let u know here when i can make it ahahah i travel lots at the moment!
Had a mushroom experience at a festival during a sacred chants ceremony,I was working over who i am, i am worth, i am me, it was a hard experience as i was fighting against this auto destructive voice... View More
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I am a newbie and am doing a 3 day soak Lazyman tek and will be starting evaporation Friday. Any tips? Do I just skim the concentrate from the top of the bowl to the evaporation pyrex? Do not stir before? Once evaporated and crystals are harvested what is the best way to take it? Smoking with an he... View More
Heyoo??????????Im trynna get some extraction going on, but i need some good quality mimosa inner bark, do some of you know some trust worthy suppliers, websites or else i could go to?Mush love and lig... View More
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Have you ever? Traveled to mount kenya? Found some p.cyanecesens in elephant poop? And seen a leopard while tripping???????❤️❤️❤️ Mush love and light to you all!
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Hahahaha no i actually got really scared cos i have a small trauma on wild animals, but the mushies made me work on myself, ( or not)
I sprinted under the rain while on the mushies cos i was scared its funny how when you make affirmations on mushrooms, you will literally be able to do anything, i c... View More
That sounds intense dude. I can't imagine seeing a freaking giant wild cat in the open on mush. Hardcore! Glad you're safe. ❤
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I would like to start off by saying, DO NOT DO WHAT I DID????,
Well it all started a year ago on my last year of school, i used to live in Canberra (Australia), in wich shroom season starts from February till beginning of July.
I was not very experienced with psychadelics, i had done dmt and lsd before but at very rare occasions and i had not made the right use out of them at all... So here starts the 2020 shroom season, i start the season by picking pans (panaeolus cincluctus) and tripping on A. muscaria, and did one lsd trip of 150ug though i was still touching the surface, with pans i had only gone up to a level 2 trip.
Later that season i had read that some other kind of woodchip lovers mushrooms would grow but i was still not knowing what mushroom would grow since some websites would give me the wrong informations.
Chapter 1: i got chosen by the gods
One day, around end of april, i go out on early morning to go to school and i see those weird looking couple at my front door, those mushrooms looked like some of the french edible mushies my dad was searching for earlier in the season (my father is a very experienced mushroom hunter but only for the edible ones),
My dad was going to drive me to school so i didn't have time to give it a closer look, so its only when i got back from school that i went to inspect those elements, i could see this massive blue bruising on the cap on both specimens, they were pretty big and perfectly matured, i immediately spore printed and made reasearch to find the name of this specie, turns out it was psilocybe subaeruginosa!
Its a really potent mushroom that i close from the specie of azurenscens though there are more studies needing to be made on these mushrooms but also found out that they were really rare to be found in canberra, they are most likely to be found in the bindabellas wich are an hour or two drive away, otherwise in victoria.
I still could not beleive that i found extremely potent rare mushrooms at my door step!
Some psychonaut friends could not believe me until they saw the pictures, i instantly became a hero ????
So i dried them overnight, and the next morning they were fully dried, i then go for a deeper look in the bush at my door to find more and i find 5 other specimens with two big ones included,
The next day i bring them all to school to show my friends and they were all hyped up, and this is when being stupid stops being fun hahaha, my friend then started saying, '' take em all at once cos i dont think their real'' and i then ate them all and chewed for the entire recess, there were 7 of them, and thought i would only get a mild trip since i hadn't weightd em and estimated 0.5 for a mild trip while now with more experience that would have been around 1.8 grams since i had quite huge ones.
The trip:
This is the equivalent of nearly a level 4 trip.
We got to our math class and the teacher made me sit individually as she wanted my mates to go and do another activity they had missed out on last time,
So here i was by myself in math class waiting for the effects to kick in.
It only took 25 minutes for it to start,
Holy yes it was intense, at first the voices started to mix up, and everyone around started to sound like a distant crowd, the tables started floating the wall were starting to progressively get patterns everywhere, in the middle of the classroom, some humanoid shapes started to appear, almost like a 3d shape that ressembled to a meditating human, outside the windows i could not recognize anything from the college, it ressembled more like landscapes of different continents and it would always change as i looked at the window, at that point, i was feeling great. But then it kept getting more and more intense, i was starting to panic as it was getting really hard to keep it together, my paperwork start to dissolve into this universal black hole and as soon as i would close my eyes, i would be teleported into a internal library inside my head where all my memories and human capacities were stocked, it was to terrifying to be tripping this hard in class, the tacher was starting to get angry at us for not having done our homework so when she started correcting on the board, she would start walking around checking that everyone is writing down the answers, it got me even more terrified since i couldn't read anything letters were shapes and if i focused less on letters and numbers they would all start spinning into a black hole.
I was really mad at myself for doing this, and sadly i didn't get to focus on my trip much since i was trying to keep it together, at a moment, i ask to go to the toilets as i though it would save me but no????.
When i got out, it took me so long to close the door as i thought that i had to close it at perfection for the teacher to not notice that something was up, and so i spent too long closing the door and they looked at me through the window wich made me feel so nervous ????, i then rushed to the toilets, but all it led me to was to thinking about how the hell i was gonna go to the classroom to get my stuff at the end the lesson, a minute before the bell rings i decide to get out to get my stuff but my friends had gotten them for me and told the teacher that i was sick, im still so thankful for that,
The end of the trip went fine as i was surrounded by my best friends and talked to them about how happy i was to be with them and to have them in my life, i really felt home with them.
This experience lasted for about 5 hours and i got my peak in 40 minutes when i was in class, some people ive talked to said that it might have been due to the fact thah i chewed for so long, i still dont know.. But in anyways i hope some of you either laughed ur heads off or called me stupid at least 10 times hahaha, today i dont really do psychadelics that often as i do a lot of holatropic and meditation wich i feel is enough for me. thanks for reading, im wishing you all happiness and the greatest progressions through out ur journeys❤️
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Hey! Ive been mushrooms have been a passion to me for a few years now and as soon as i get to, id like to grow my own in kits, any of you know how i should get started or how i can order spores withou... View More
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Probably the best way to add nuits to increase yield is higher spawn to sub ratio. I have heard that nitrogen rich substrate can increases potency. Some people recommend manure or blood meal, although I'm not sure how effective that is
Interesting enough. Would make sense since it takes whats dead and gives back to the living.... as for higher spawn to sub ratio, i was planning on trying that as a test as well, people said it leads to less flushes but higher potancy since they have to get everything out before its times done.
Iv... View More
Thank you all for all of those informations, i will have to take the time to understand all of that)
March 9, 2021