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I See The Sun

Male. Lives in Cork, Ireland. Born on July 5, 2003.
About Me
Im the artist "I See The Sun" trynna raise the vibrancy of this planet with spiritual healing rock m... View More
Safe Place
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JOC pan tek
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Spiral Dynamics: A value development model
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Psychology and Philosophy
Music For The End Of The World
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Status Update

I See The Sun
Hey! Ive been mushrooms have been a passion to me for a few years now and as soon as i get to, id like to grow my own in kits, any of you know how i should get started or how i can order spores withou... View More
2 people like this.
Probably the best way to add nuits to increase yield is higher spawn to sub ratio. I have heard that nitrogen rich substrate can increases potency. Some people recommend manure or blood meal, although I'm not sure how effective that is
Like March 9, 2021
CaLi Uso
Interesting enough. Would make sense since it takes whats dead and gives back to the living.... as for higher spawn to sub ratio, i was planning on trying that as a test as well, people said it leads to less flushes but higher potancy since they have to get everything out before its times done. Iv... View More
Like March 9, 2021 Edited
CaLi Uso
username101 for n00bs, that would be very benifitial to get first flushes faster and yielding. Appreciate that info!
Like March 9, 2021
I See The Sun
Thank you all for all of those informations, i will have to take the time to understand all of that1f642.png)
Like March 9, 2021