on June 15, 2020
First time using agar. 3 days in. Not seeing branches yet but I am liking the pure white color. Wdyt?
Dimension: 4032 x 1960
File Size: 6.8 Mb
4 people like this.
Thank you for that. I'd be pretty nervous about taking a scalpel to these snowballs just yet. Im going to give them a few days and see what happens. I used a LC syringe to transfer to the plate. Hopefully my agar was done right and it starts to branch out.
Like June 15, 2020
Jay Pickles
Definitely a couple different things growing in there. Were you using a still air box?
Like June 16, 2020
The lids to my plates are loose and disposable so its possible that they have been exposed to a number of things. Idk where/how I'm supposed to store them after they get knocked up also.
Like June 16, 2020
I just did a transfer. Can i just out it on top another trays' agar or should it be flush?
Like June 16, 2020