by on March 10, 2020
Found this trip report from last year some time. 15g trip ...
273 views 5 likes
by on December 22, 2019
Forgive me for my long story telling. I struggle to not be so discriptive. - I had asked a friend recently if he could get some dmt and my nerves had been racing ever since. He's a good friend who is very trustworthy for trip sitting. I had never tried any form of psychedelic but had done a lot of research before investing into trying myself....
288 views 7 likes
by on October 12, 2019
    It was a early night. And my boy brought me 7g of mushroom. I was excited about it but worried to be interrupted by Koala ko.  I had bad stomach reaction from previous night of partying and not eating properly.  So I took a change on mushroom that Wednesday night. Talk to baby ko for awhile until I was ready and dispatched.  Letting her know that I was going to be busy and I was going to leave my phone on vibration.  But I didn't I put on silent...I want to be completely suck and submerge on...
198 views 3 likes
by on June 8, 2019
I was walking around the streets of Santa Ana, California. When a blessing from the universe crossed my path: I found a wild San Pedro cactus that was very mature in an alley way! There was probably a good 50 feet to the many branches of this cactus, so I know that it's an old soul. I cut about 15 feet of the cacti and took it home; 9 of those feet I planted in my garden so I can pay my respects and grow my own from now on while 6 feet I boiled down into a very large batch of tea. An okay dose i...
318 views 11 likes
by on April 10, 2019
Substance: 1P-LSD Dose: 100ug blotter Ate food at 5PM and then placed the blotter in my mouth (kept it on my gums) arround 545 ...
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