June 23, 2020
Category: DMT and 1 other
7g shrooms
.400mg DMT
Started eating the chocolate. When it kicked in it didnt seem very potent for 7g. Not really much for visual and even with eyes closed I've seen far more...
I just talked with a girl I'm seeing and she going through quite a lot with things.
After we talked... it was weird. I was just absorbed into her emotions and feelings.
I felt like I could see her heart/soul. I could feel the pain she's going through. I could feel her loving and wanting me but a barrier was wrapped around.
She wanted it to break free. Kinda like it was trying to expand.
But the wall is constricting it. I wanted to break it and wrap around her.
It started to consume too much of my thoughts so I tried to change scenery a bit. Went inside after smoking a joint and started to kind of trail off.
I decided before it wears off as it doesn't seem too potent I'll take the dmt.
Packed a decent size anount into my vape.
All the shapes I normally get became smaller and smaller until the whole room was a complete different dimension.
Like visuals I get with lower doses zoomed out until it formed the room.
I had a bit more of a hit and went for a shower. Before hand I was starting into the mirror and I was talking to myself from another dimension and wanted to crawl through the mirror into the other dimension,
The jumped in the shower it interesting didnt really get much out of it. Decided to turn lights of and saw vines and Rose's wrapping everywhere. Slowly started to fade.
So i was like damnit... well people see beings and talk to things... so you know what... fuck it.
I poured out probably between
.2 - .3g
And did a line (it lasts about 45 min, but that was too much at one time for sure... my nose still burns).
I went and jumped back in the shower.
It started off really cool.and vibrant.
I started seeing how precise everything was, how everything mathematically fit and how to fit my life into pride and being able to just have what you want ready and systematic for my own needs. Yet I'm too poor to do that stuff for myself. Just what I was seeing was improvement of life.
It started getting more intense and I was in a torn like world. Blue floors with green lines. As vast as it could go.
Almost knowing of the power this drug provides and how it could be saught for the change of humanity and a war that is going on between realms.
That there is a force/aliens controlling government trying to destroy and control us. Destroy the earth and take all its resources.
While the other side is trying to protect it and preserve it. The guidance I got from it was since I cant do anything for others to understand all I can do is my best to not let that control happen.
This was all flashing quickly but time seemed endless.
It was becoming too overwhelming, I realized it was too much to handle...
I was starting to feel clustered inside. I was being trapped in this weird realm and was starting to freak out... I was trying to find the lights while shapes and grey and black boxes were spinning everywhere.
When on shrooms I always end up throwing up...
Well it was just too intense and well the bathtub got.covered...
I finally got the light on after panicking with my brain going everywhere.
Like I was stuck in a different realm/reality while still in this reality. I was spinning and panicking. My heart was just racing and I felt like I was going to be stuck in this loop. It was still overwhelming and threw up more... the whole time of visions of what death would feel like being trapped.
After I was done throwing up. I was scrambling to try and break free. I was alone. My head was all over the place and disoriented. I was dying and i was stuck in a completely different realm.
My heart was racing and i really felt i was never coming back to this world.
I felt like i died. It was it all over.
My phone went off but i couldn't find it...
I was trying to get some help and swore the people upstairs thought I was dying too lol. I was butt naked running around looking while trying to breathe deeply and reassure I'll come back.
At the same time feeling I never would.
I went on to facebook and as I was trying to get help to find my phone I couldn't see my cursor. I was panicking even more because I wasnt even able to get help... I couldn't click or find anything.
Slowly it started to come down... I was starting to gain a little control back.
I could see the cursor and got my friend to call my phone.
My chest was beating so hard and I could barely breathe...
I was still panicking a bit but wasnt too bad. Talked a bit and reassures I was okay.
But I really felt like I was still going to die. My breathing wouldn't stop calming down all I could take was big breaths. I tried to have some company to make sure i was okay.
All i could think of was dying and everything that transpired. It was the scariest shit I've faced.
But i made it through.
I ended up just driving to the ER to make sure I was okay. I apparently triggered an.anxiety attack with asthma.
I wasnt going to be alone incase anything happened.
So I went to my friends place and crashed there.
Learned a lot... need to value a lot of things in life. Because you just never know when it can happen. The scariest part is not knowing what death is and to fear that the horror could be a part of what death was. Being trapped and helpless.
Love yourself and make yourself better. Always improve and dont settle less than what you deserve especially if you want pride of who and what you are.
There is too many things this trip I learned... but overall I can be glad I did. Makes you grow and I'm definitely not who I was 24 hours ago...
I just want to say, that this Community fucking rocks! You are all awesome! The answers people give, the help and just overall positivity.
March 10, 2020
Category: Psilocybin
Found this trip report from last year some time.
15g trip
My trip and experience.
15g shrooms. 24 hour fast
Ate 2.5g put tea on, waited till i started feeling the effects. Drank 6g of tea. After an hour and a half, took 6.5g lemontek.
It started pretty calm, mostly not too intense but relaxing and enjoyed the effects slowly come in. After about a half hour with the tea, i could start getting the heavy visuals and shapes.
I figured I would have a shower to help start the trip. Cleanse yourself and continue with the trip.
I closed the door and looked in the mirror. There was more vivid shapes floating all around me. Looking at my own aura.
Closing my eyes is where most of my adventure took.
As soon as i closed my eyes it was shapes colours going everywhere. It reminded me of circuits wiring my brain. Constant and changing patterns. I have experienced this quit a bit. The more I watched the more it changed into bigger patterns and bigger patterns, until I was in a room. Almost like a kids room coming into play. There was chairs and i was starring at the corner of the room.
I then opened my eyes and was pretty shocked to even simulate another place. As never experienced on shrooms before.
One thing I like to do is enjoy my trip in the dark. That way i can keep my eyes open and see the same thing. turning the light off and blocking the door with a towel. I went into the shower and even more shit happened.
At first it was more of the same patterns just tripping like crazy. Then slowly started to even change again into more realistic things.
I started to see a red like smokey thing which was turning into a female. Still like that ghostly aspect and smokey (waving smoke) she was basically trying to seduce me. In my state i laughed and was like fuck ya i would fuck a demon why the hell not. (No nothing like that happened). But i was even getting vivid views of her spreading her legs and taunting her breasts. It was pretty weird and crazy lol.
Next it started to even get more realistic. I usually get some sort of view of aliens which is usually the same sort of deal.
Aliens are overtaking the governments which is forcing the gonverment to collapse on the people making a war. The biggest image I got was a globe with aliens on the top pushing the white house down on to the civilians/people/us.
As it tripped further. I saw a green alien with 6 legs on the roof of a ship life. The were pods around (just like the matrix). Then a bunch of different parts of things and so to say history (thats what it felt) that i have no idea what it really was or explain what it meant.
This was all in about 20 minutes from once i got out.
I figured before I use all the hot water lets finish the rest of the shrooms.
Made lemontek with the rest (6.5) Waited about a half hour. The second I would close my eyes I was transported to another location, another viewpoint of a world that I couldnt understand. The trip felt really personal and focusing on strictly my mental views. Opening my eyes was still awesome, especially when you go outside and see all the plants and shapes and cymetrical patterns.
I kept getting more visuals, so decided to jump back in the shower.
Closing my eyes in the dark again. I was getting sent to places where there was light in complete dark on views of i guess now seem like an operating table (but i dont think thats what it was). I was seeing images i couldnt quite make out i was still tripping that i was seeing light in pure darkness. It was getting more and more intense everything was like it was exploding with information.
I was seeing light and dark images battling with itself. Fighting over my own soul of what is good and evil. Being shown a doorway into the darkness and me walking into it with no fear of the dark. Still knowing I am good and will do the best. I love the dark parts of the world and the other side of what seems to be more taboo and wrong. Which is still an interpretation of what it may be. Still two liquid images of black and light swimming together in a swirl and blots flying in directions.
Then I peaked. and was feeling like a complete purge of my demons and emotions to start fresh and new. Of course as I threw up my guts. (which is so much easier with nothing in your stomach to clean up)
I felt great, happy. Healed. Trying to make sense of what I was seeing.
Got out of the shower and would just keep closing my eyes trying to see what and were will be next.
I was happy and felt at ease. I started getting the warm sensation of knowing im not alone. Sort of like energy of love towards my way. I kept getting feelings of being on the right path. Everything is okay. It didnt bring any negativity or fight anything that is usally going on in my head. (I also just got served papers from my sons mother after shes kidnapped him for 4 years of his life. Currently 13 almost 14. She lied on everything so she screwed herself. the point is usually anxiety or things that cause stress add more problems or things to face while tripping) There was nothing but happiness and cleansed.
Being secure of who i am and where it can go. The path of unkown can still lead to great places if you make it that way. Knowing that being on the right path means you are guided into what is right. Which you and yourself still have the means to sway off that path and not necissarly chosen as fate.
I was feeling so good I was hungry as hell. Slowly coming down and more a hold of myself. I wanted pho. So i went on a big walk. Its funny when you live in a town where the druggies make you feel normal when you are on 15g shrooms. The plants colours everything kept reassuring me of who I am. Really hard to explain....
Feeling great i put on old classic best guitar solos on spotify and just walked about 20 min.
Get to the shop and trying to keep confident when still really high... So a little stumbling trying to keep composure. Trying to find the spoons on the table without looking like an idiot. Ate half my pho and the place was hotter than outside (28C) I was sweating like a beast. So I wanted to go back home where i could continue being myself.
By the time I got home the trip mellowed out and just feel content with myself.
How the chapters of my life will continue. Especially on how to interpret everything.
Thats my trip pretty much.
March 9, 2020
Category: DMT
Always have smoked DMT in my basement suite. So I figured I would go outside. Up a mountain where the view is great and trip that way....
Put on Tool fear innoculum on (listening to the order backwards. I enjoy it that way)
No food since last and it's 4pm now.
Took 2 hits. Didn't really seem to effect too much... So I took a 3rd. :) Not sure how much I took.
Now I am sure this is just funny humour and a joke. But still hilarious of what happened...
Everything orange swirling and shapes everywhere.
No matter where or if open and closed my eyes.
Always went to the orange room.
I started to see.more shapes and as it formed I saw more of a typical alien head. As more time went it really seemed it was seducing me and tons of images or pretty much opening legs and signs of making a baby. Hahahaha.
Really the whole trip with everything going on and shapes. It kept going sexual.
I would wonder if it's a game or a joke. I would see a bunch of alien heads all being there. smiling having fun looking at me. Still pushing the sexual images.
It was pretty much saying let's make alien babies...
I mean very sexual showings of things. Well as it could with all this shit going everywhere. Lol
Hey thats what the fucking trip was doing. Not me.
Even when open my eyes and started to fade and closed my eyes again. They were still there. It seemed like they were serious but obviously it could only be a joke.
As time went on. Felt like a long time... They all started saying goodbye and waving sort of thing as it started to dim out, peering over some box sorta thing. Like I was visiting and they had their fun. However it is meant to take.
Even as dying down and close my eyes I still get visions of the big alien grey style. Long and just in the background.
That was pretty fucked up... Hahahaha..I mean it's hasn't been too long since I got laid last... Lol. Maybe I'm just really horny? Haha
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