June 8, 2019
Category: San Pedro
I was walking around the streets of Santa Ana, California. When a blessing from the universe crossed my path: I found a wild San Pedro cactus that was very mature in an alley way! There was probably a good 50 feet to the many branches of this cactus, so I know that it's an old soul. I cut about 15 feet of the cacti and took it home; 9 of those feet I planted in my garden so I can pay my respects and grow my own from now on while 6 feet I boiled down into a very large batch of tea. An okay dose is about 1 foot, but between 2 friends of mine and I, we had about 1.5 feet in juice for each person. We went to the beach, drank it on an empty stomach at around 8pm, and waited while the nausea set in for some of them. I did my best to cut out the whites of the cactus (which is where the nausea comes from apparently) and I felt little to no nausea, but my other friends who are lighter than I am in psych experience felt like puking for a good hour. Luckily, no one spat anything up, though, and after that first hour our minds began to feel a little funky. Mescaline takes a while to set in, but the first noted thing is that sort of "psychedelic mind" experience where you feel a little funny and start looking at things in a different way. The best way I can explain it is that the world starts looking like an extremely detailed CGI movie or something of the like, almost as if I'm looking at a 1080p max HD tv screen, but it's real life. After that follows the expanded mind feeling, where you're a little more docile and attentive to details around you. Going through the second hour, it was clear that the real effects of the cacti began to set in among us. A heavy feeling of relaxation and euphoria set through our bodies, to the point that you don't want to move and just want to melt into your chair. Physically, we were absolutely exhausted suddenly, but our minds began racing. Closing our eyes gave us waves of fractals or psychedelic imagery in our heads, and the streets at night had a green glow to them from the traffic lights. We decided to smoke some weed, since it's an absolute staple in our group for hangouts. The high from that boosted the experience immensely, and it felt like through the vaporizer of our friend, we blasted further into our experience. In my peripheral, eyes are appearing in the walls, and I'm almost feeling like I'm psyching myself out and imagining something scary like Ju-on: the Grudge is there that really wasn't. Like you know how when you're a kid and you were afraid to enter a dark room since you imagined a monster was right there? I was almost doing that to myself, but luckily I'm level-headed enough to know that it's obviously just my mind going rampant, so I stood calm. According to my (heavily tripping, and newer to psychs) friend, he was experiencing fractals and a universal feeling much greater to the point that he was getting overwhelmed. As a good friend, I made sure to console him, though, and told him jokes and emanated only positive energy towards him so as to bring his mood away from whatever he was psyching himself out with. My other friend, who did around 1 foot of the juice instead of his full dose since he was also new to psychs, seemed dazed during his experience and was rather quiet since he was just enjoying the visuals in his head. I felt amazing, though, that car ride home (with a sober driver, of course) was one of the most great experiences we've had. Even though my friends promised their parents they'd be home by 11 (we're still 18-19 as I'm writing this lol), they ended up vehemently not wanting to return since they were too high to confront their parents. So we went to the park and played some Smash Bros on my friend's Switch while having a great time observing the scenery and generally tweaking haha. It was funny absolutely destroying them in game since they claimed they could "barely understand what the fuck was happening" as our characters bounced around the screen in vibrant colors (Donkey Kong is too OP :P). The flowers around us had a warbling effect to them, and according to my friends, it looked like the plants were like snapping piranhas in the way they moved in their heads. I suggested we smoke more, but my friends seemed to not like the idea since they felt it would overwhelm them. I'm not sure why, but everytime I do psychs my brain seems like it can sponge a metric fuckton of weed, it just boosts the experience for me, and my normal satisfaction with a medium amount suddenly turns into a craving for more. So I smoked alone at the park as my friends expressed how strongly the cacti affected them and how they thought it would be much shorter than it actually was. After an hour or so of being there, we decided it was a good night and was time to head home. Unfortunately for my friends who thought they would have gotten a good night's sleep, though, the effects of the cacti prevented any of us from resting. My friend who was more silent during his experience claimed he didn't even sleep that night and just watched videos/ listened to music. My other friend, who was overwhelmed from before, though, claimed that he felt the effects even more immensely since he was alone in the dark of his home. He actually called my phone and asked me to "please stay on the phone, everytime it goes quiet I start losing my fucking mind". He claimed his lamp was turning into snakes, and that he was too afraid to go to the bathroom even though he felt really horny and just wanted to go jerk off (which he expressed more than a few times, i guess he was really feeling it lmao). We were both experiencing vibrant fractals in our head, and I had fun riding out the trip by drawing on my arms with my Henna kit. Weirdly, I began seeing the outline of what I wanted to draw on my skin before I actually put it down, as if there was a tracing that was on my skin even though I know it wasn't actually there. It helped me in my drawing process, even though my lines weren't as straight as they usually were. The eyeballs returned in my peripheral, but moreso at this time, and I couldn't help but laugh at the experience that my friend and I were having as we stood up until 4 in the morning. By then, I just wanted to go peel off the now drying Henna and eat something, so I bid my friend farewell and told him to stay sane or call in case he felt uncomfortable. Finally I was able to knock out, and woke up in the morning with a nice afterglow. Overall, this was an AMAZING experience and I look forward to cultivating more of my own batches once my cactus is able to grow. I would LOVE to do this at a festival, but my friends claim otherwise since they felt a little too overwhelmed by the dose they had and had more trouble with nausea than I did. I'd like to try a really solid dose of this stuff and see how far my mind can go, but that's for the future. For now I won't do psychs for many more months since it's not about abusing these powerful plants, it's about appreciating them and coming to them when you're ready.
Much love! and I hope whoever's seeing this had fun reading my report! I couldn't help but notice that no one else had any San Pedro experiences, but I'd love to hear from anyone else in the comments if they wanted to share!