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Male. Born on May 18, 1993. Is in a relationship.
About Me
A sudden great interest in discovering myself spiritually through phychedelics. I will be blogging/v... View More
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Psychedelics » DMT
Been a long time but I'm back guys! Missed you all. Used to go by the name flerosa if anyone remembers haha.
Did a low dosage lib cap trip with my Mrs the other night and we had a great time. Thought I... View More

5 people like this.
I remember you with the other name, we are glad to have you back with us 1f60a.png
Like October 14, 2022
Thank you! Missed this app. Looking forward to sharing some trip reports.
Like October 15, 2022
Welcome back ☺️
Like October 16, 2022
27 people like this.
This is great.
Like February 17, 2020
So true, do not hold on to something, sooner or later you will lose everything
Like February 17, 2020
Love it
Like February 17, 2020
Hey everyone I've posted in microdosing pages but had no response so thought I'd post here. I'm going to be doing my first run of microdosing lsd. I was just wondering if there are any visual differen... View More
1 person likes this.
I'm looking for a mood enhancer not looking to "trip" at all. I have 160ug tabs and I'll be dropping them into 16ml of distilled water so I can do a 10ug dose per 1ml every 4 days
Like February 16, 2020
So 10ug every 4 days. If its slightly brighter colours I'm ok with that
Like February 16, 2020
Hailey Nicole
@flerosa please post updates 1f600.png i would love to hear your experience!
Like February 17, 2020
Yeah I'll make notes over the next few weeks and make one trip report as a whole
Like February 17, 2020
I have obtained 2 tabs of lsd for the first ever time and I'm not sure what ug they are is there a way of testing? I'm just looking for ug not to test if it is lsd as its a trust worthy source. I need... View More
1 person likes this.
Google “bunk police” they sell tester kits
Like February 14, 2020
Like February 14, 2020
Just found this short story about a blind person since birth trying out dmt. It's pretty incredible I can't lie. I'm super intrigued and have had this theory myself I just don't know anyone who's blin... View More
Minus the bright middle spiral flashes this is definitely close to the dmt tunnel. Mine was green and red though.
20 people like this.
Last Name
i was fall into this a few times u felt u going up or down?
Like January 17, 2020
It's hard to say it felt like I was going forward but down at the same time but like a corkscrew but I felt like gravity stayed the same.
Like January 17, 2020
Mine was straight forward, at alarming speed, and i dont think it was spinning , and i didnt reach the end
Like January 18, 2020
Mine was more like the warp speed stars in Star Trek!
Like January 18, 2020
shared a few photos
Some dmt inspired script I painted on my walls at the tattoo shop I work at. The first picture says "extraterrestrial knowledge."
19 people like this.
Very impressive .
Like January 16, 2020
Thank you guys. I appreciate it. Where are you based
Like January 17, 2020
Just realised you're from USA I'm based in the UK otherwise I'd have travelled.
Like January 17, 2020
The universe will work out all the specifics for us I'm sure.
Like January 17, 2020
I might do a test run tonight of about 4 or 5 tests.
10mg of dmt one hit.
Several different soundtracks throughout each trip.
I'd like to test different variables to see the outcome and if music truly do... View More

8 people like this.
Spudgun so you had music carry on after it stopped? I imagine that was strange but pleasant
Like January 16, 2020
Spooner yeah it is. I like to do high dose tryptamine flipped with high dose of lsd and lay under a blancet with headphones on playing Venetian Snares and your OEVs and CEVs will change as fast as the music goes and every sound will force the visuals to change, imagine that shit lol. Skullfucking yo... View More
Like January 16, 2020
Spooner no probs fam!!
Like January 16, 2020
Spudgun exactly my thoughts too lol
Like January 16, 2020
Hoh Rainforest, Washington USA
???? adlerstudios
Wow! Wish I could go here for a trip.
28 people like this.
Ozric Starshine
Im so jealous...id love to get lost in there.
Like January 16, 2020
Like January 16, 2020
Damn i would think I'm underwater
Like January 16, 2020
Would be amazing unfortunately I'm UK so it's way beyond ever actually happening for me.
Like January 16, 2020
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