December 10, 2019
Category: Other Psychedelics and 1 other
08:12:19 300ug Trip Report - Long, detailed
Thanks for reading, there are some pretty raw emotions in this, hope you enjoy!
2100 – Took approximately 300ug of LSD, by taking 1 tab and cutting the second the best I could
2115 – Nothing kicking in yet, went and smoked some weed with my brother
2130 – Starting to feel the effects of LSD
2145 – Playing Xbox still but aware I want to get off to be solo very soon
Lose sense of time from here
Saw red and blue 3D effects all around, especially on Jeff my brother
Every time I write in my notes, I see a picture of my fiancee, Rebecca, trippy Rebecca standing in the fridge and this melts my heart, I get such an overwhelming sense of love for George.
Seeing everything, especially jeff in a funky mirror distortion effect
I start doing some flow like moves, I'm very sore from rock climbing at the moment so moving and stretching feels very good. This gets the closed eye visuals colorful. I then wanted to see how many pull-ups I could do, and I was smashing them out, super strong, when I hit about 22 i started seeing rainbow streaks It was incredible
I said to myself out loud “look at these rainbows” the rainbows were a constant throughout the trip. Close eyes and open I’m seeing rainbow, and neon rainbow, super bright. The kaleidoscope was shimmering rainbow lines
I become aware of how animal I feel – Wade my mate said to me “You become a lot more sensitive to your instinct rather than systematic thinking” and this does explain the experience to me. I’m aware of who I am, not just what society has taught me but I’m 1v1 with the true me,
It felt good typing I love Rebecca, and I am experiencing enormous typing difficulties, but this is important to me and makes me feel amazing.
“Every time I look at her on acid, my heart literally melts. Like her being is my happiness. She’s so deeply rooted to me, like literal roots. Our personalities come so much from each other and our happiness together.
I can hear her say “Christmas Tree” with the same cute tone of voice she uses to say it with me.
I become aware that my train of thought is finally back onto vibrations, which is why I opened my phone in the first place. Everything has been very crazy, new ideas just hitting me constantly
What sound does sound make, since all sounds are vibrations. “Neeeooommm” like an airplane taking off. A deep thought that I have trouble to put together.
Put pale blue dot and next frontier, bliss n eso fully talk about tripping in their songs. And for so long I never knew this. Perspective is everything.
I can’t unlock my phone with my thumbprint, my mind jumps to what if it's not me trying to unlock the phone. This thought I am aware could be scary for some, but I just laugh because the LSD is doing what the LSD wants and I’m aware of this. But it was a cool experience to have, very trippy.
I see Rebecca again, and it just resets all my emotions to love and I get hit by waves and waves of love, she is the true trip sitter for me.
Next frontier back on – I am meditating at the same time and closed eye visuals go nuts. I see my relationship with Jeff as an analogy to the visuals. I see these workers working away, but just building higher and higher, they seem to be building pyramids, but flipped. As in its just making the bond bigger and bigger instead of a traditional pyramid with the peak at the top being the smallest, this is a symbol of mine and Jeffs relationship. We just keep growing together and forming this bond.
I say to Jeff “it’s crazy, you’re a completely different person, but you fully get it. You get me 100%” This is a crazy feeling. Spiritually feel good here, found a partner for life.
Having very noticeable auditory hallucinations now. Everything is vibrating and revibrating, very intense. Either I stopped the music, or the music stopped, but with the headphones on I fell like sensory deprivation, and I can hear vibrations.
I could hear a dog walking and sniffing around, my perspective was from beneath and the realm where the dog was only in partial focus. Could see its big nose sniffing and moving the ground.
Then I hear a new deeper frequency, possible when the aircon went louder, unsure but this makes me uneasy so put my music back on.
I had another closed
“Everything we touch resonates like butterfly wings” – bliss this perfectly describes the kaleidoscope effect, but on multiple planes.
LIVE LAUGH LOVE – this resonates with me heavily, this is my main goal in life
Kaleidoscope over everything now
“Humans are just conscious animals” – I feel this
Jeff sent me Juvenescence by Verzache, and its on repeat as I chill and try and meditate again, I found myself being so distracted to other music. I wanted to have a good vibe song, while I viewed all these closed eyes visuals like I was a kid in a theme park. And I do think that’s what LSD is, its 12hrs of you being like a little kid in a theme park for the first time and wanted everyone to see from your perspective, look at this, look at this, it's so exciting.
Found the picture of Rebecca again, instant happy tears because I realise, I have captured a genuine moment together “two hippies, tripping and loving” I say to myself “She’s perfect for me, we just work”
0130 – I’m dancing in my room, eyes closed, just feeling all the energy inside me move, pure bliss at this moment.
“Why is this drug illegal, I’m doing it in the comfort of my own room, no one knows besides who I inform prior to the trip. I’m not hurting anyone, I’m just studying my consciousness. Just exploring myself, the ultimate self-time.
Caught up on vibrations again, they really captured me this time around. “all vibrations affect each other, the ripple effect”
0200 – “You know what they say, see rainbow, smoke more weed”
Feeling very at ease at this moment after I smoked. Realise this is only 5hrs in so could just be one of the waves, for a second you feel sober, and then it takes over all again. Especially since I just smoked again, here come more visuals
“scottyyyy” – heard these lyrics for the first time in soundtrack to my life “and they all couldn’t see, that little bit of sadness inside of me… scottyyyy” this completely changed how I perceived this verse, love this aspect of LSD, new perspectives, even though it was there all along.
“As long as Jeffs happy, I’m happy” – Woah deep, that felt like it came from deep within
Listening to Cudi, Spotify gives some insight into the song, he said “when I got arrested, everyone calls me an addict, I was never an addict, I was just on a ride for a little bit” I resonate with this because I’m not an addict of anything, these things make my life better, I’m trying to find the balance in life, I just want people to sit back and love me for me.
Unfuckwitable comes on, this gets me beyond excited, it makes my soul go full animal mode, I put in my notes “unfuckwitable is my pump up ape song” when he says “don’t you feel it, mmmm nah no matter noooo, ah wooww” this sit with me because I don’t feel anyone feels the same as I do, but it doesn’t matter to me because I feel amazing.
I have closed eye visuals again and I can see how the universe is a bubble, brought together by more bubbles which were different universes. This was a really cool visual.
I get on photoshop and start creating, but I find a color spectrum image, and this is like seducing my eyes, the stimuli’s amazing, so many colours, colours are good.
I go to change the batteries in my Xbox controller, and I start conversing in my head in a foreign language the instructions on how to put the batteries in the correct way. I laugh out loud at this like “yeah I know how to put some fucking batteries in thanks ahah, and your foreign instructions are not helping one bit” but I was full conversing in a different language I did not know, and I did this so easily, no thinking, just instantly happening.
Realized I am the driver of this trip, although it doesn’t feel like it always, you can control the trip to a degree
So, I decided to think about old dog Lu, I would like to see what LSD can do to me when I think of her. And I see so many memories of her flood into my mind, all the times she was an absolute spastic and getting stuck in places, and all the things that made me laugh about her which is a lot came out, I am crying at this point, but full happiness tears. I know I said to myself “I miss you lu” (this is very hard to type, makes me tear up) but I stop myself on a pretty good cry and go nah that’s enough cry time, very therapeutic and a release, but I don’t want to cry anymore, with a sense of pure loving for my dog I let my mind wander to the next thought that it so willingly provides.
I’m not sure the difference in letting go and getting caught into a bad trip. I’m such a firm believer that there aren’t bad trips, just difficult ones, and it will only build you up and deal with issues deep within. But I’m scared because I’ve never been put into a bad trip that just letting it take over may not be the best option.
I notice out of the corner of my eye a giant entity sitting on my beanbag, viewing the music on the tv like a concert, like an interdimensional concert almost. This entity is not a threat to me, just minding its own business, I continue with my trip.
I come to the terms that I am simply ready for more, I feel like my foots in the door, as Terence McKenna talks about by not taking enough. I want to be able to lay down, comfortably, knowing my body is safe, and be able to transport my consciousness to another level. I want to be able to fully let go and have an out-of-body experience, and I believe by being comfortable ill be able to do that without fear. I come to terms with the purging aspect of ayahuasca, if I need to shit, Ill shit. Simple as that, just enjoy the experience.
0300 – I have one more final packed cone before I pack up
0454 – I send to Jeff a video of Alan watts – sudden enlightenment, and I genuinely felt this on a spiritual level. He speaks about the jester, how they find not taking things serious funny. And not getting caught up in life, the joker is there in jest, it doesn’t need to be there. I see it as your living, have fun.
decide to try and rest and enjoy the rest of the ride without notes, just let my mind go. I fall asleep eventually, unsure when but it was soothing
1000 – I wake up, still feeling high but only subtle, this is cool. I reflect on my memory of what happened, not looking at my notes. I knew that bottom line, I felt like I had experimented with my consciousness last night, and that is beyond fascinating.