by on December 10, 2019
First Candy Flip – 200ug of LSD & 350mg of MDMA 0600 – wake up in our 3-story penthouse we are staying in for the weekend for a mate’s birthday 0630 – Put LSD Tab on my tongue ...
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by on November 23, 2019
*Let me just start by saying... I was 18 and dumb.* I was at Electric Forest music festival with my boyfriend (now ex) 2015. This was my first music festival ever. He had introduced me into the music & drug scene. I grew up catholic (but personally was atheist) and never liked smoking weed and hated (and still do not enjoy) drinking alcohol. This boyfriend of mine was very manipulative and was mentally abusive. His brother was not a very nice man and had a reputation of eating any drug he found...
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by on September 6, 2019
Have you been able to get an out-of-body high almost every time? Well me and my group have been researching the combinations of LSD, MDMA and Nitrous Oxide. LSD -> N2O...
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by on April 16, 2019
This happened some years back as I have not had the opportunity to experience psychedelics in quite some time, although I look forward to getting back into my journies soon.   At any rate I was living with my girlfriend at the time in a large city in the southeast US with 3 additional room mates.  This was not my first experience with mushrooms or LSD as I had partaken of these plants and chemicals a few times in the past.  Our 3 other room mates had gone to a local rave to party and as I was...
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