by on September 6, 2019
Have you been able to get an out-of-body high almost every time?
Well me and my group have been researching the combinations of LSD, MDMA and Nitrous Oxide.
LSD -> N2O
Both are very pleasurable experiences. However the “vision” is clearly different between the two.
The LSD provides you with glimpses of the future. Showing you things that do not exist in todays technology.
The MDMA shows visions of other universes. One where your late best friend is still alive and showing you around his new basement. Weird stuff.
It all could be just hog-wash, however when we’re all grouped up doing this together. We seem to meet up in this realm.
Let me know your thoughts on combining things with Nitrous Oxide.
Mushrooms seem to work sometimes and when done it produces a DMT like multi-colored patterns vs real visuals of friends and family....etc.
Posted in: Psilocybin, MDMA, Other
9 people like this.
We have a certain way to do the nitrous to obtain a maximum effect. It’s all about prolonged exposure over time... so little hits at first combined with a big gulp of O2. Less is more
Like September 6, 2019
Spyorg Plaird Yppah
I wish i had a nurse friend to hook my up to nitrous and oxygen together while i was on lsd so i could surf those realms for a long time without havin. To jump in and out over and over again
Like September 6, 2019
Spyorg Plaird Yppah
Physicageek it feels like every cell in my body is falling out when i do that. Its far far crazier when you mix n2o with psychedelics or even mixing mdma and n2o with psychedelics
Like September 6, 2019
I love MDMA and nitrous! Although its good not to let whip its take over the whole MDMA experience. Its easy to get carried away. Ive never had a tank and MDMA at the same time. We just buy whip its online. I also enjoy the combo of edibles with ketamine and with nitrous. 100-300mg THC edibles depen... View More
Like September 7, 2019