by on May 19, 2023
It took me awhile to process this experience since it was surprisingly very intense compared to my 1.5g Melmac tea trip. However, I did smoke a blunt stuffed with Hash at the end of it. Here is how it went, Monday morning I got over to my mentors place for our bonding experience. We each took 1G of Melmac via Lemon Tek and then head to his room to experience the journey. It started off very intense and immediately the room changed into a whole other place. Saw the familiar beings crawling around...
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by on May 4, 2023
I joined an entheogenic church in my city.  It’s practice is ONLY around marijuana and mushrooms.  Our Pastor talks about how the mushrooms at low dose put a hole, at mid dose put an opening and at high dose completely open up the soul which is in fact our Universe or God attempting to know itself. He talks about how our Universe is seeking knowledge of uniquness.  So, if you are a brown shoed square working a standard 9-5 and not questioning or being truly different and unique you are kind of b...
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by on April 23, 2023
After experimenting with mushrooms, lsd, and some dmt I have had various experiences with some form of projecting myself out of my body. It’s like I can see through the false reality and see what’s behind the curtains. Cosmic noise and energy waves. I’ll try to explain the best I can. I wish I could do better but word fail me. I’m recently keep having these experiences more often Projecting myself outside of my own body. I can see the void all around me. Through my minds eye I can see others ...
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by on April 2, 2023
This morning, the Wifey woke me up from my sleep and told me to feed our fur baby. After I fed my sweet fur baby, I went ahead and grabbed my fruits and informed the misses I was going to be taking only 1.4g of my Melmac in a tea. She said I was fine as long as I didn't travel to different planets while she was at work. Well, let's say I got more than what I bargained for initially. While I let my tea properly steep, I went ahead and started with my set and setting. I cleaned some dishes and org...
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by on December 21, 2022
  ♦     I think remember it was a couple of grams of dried mushrooms. I don't know the variety, but they were small and with a thin and elongated stem. The experience was with two friends, we ingested the mushrooms, swallowed them down with some water, spent approximately 30 minutes at home listening to music and smoking some weed, and went out into the street.   ...
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by on December 8, 2022
I have not consumed any mushrooms since the mid 1980's and those were hit and miss cow patty shrooms. There is not a lot that I can recall from multiple experiences during that time and certainly there were not any life changing nuggets of wisdom brought back or imparted upon me. They were simply attempts to escape the doldrums of teen life and not be "here".  I used the Lemon TEK to prepare 2 grams of Golden Teachers. I picked this dose as I wanted a "test flight" after being out of this par...
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by on November 18, 2022
So this summer I had a profound trip, I've been playing around with some genetics I received years ago and finally went deep with them. Before this encounter I have taken quite a few micro doses of the aper, and went in on a huge thing of tea which I believe pretty much over dosed my brain and I went into a physical coma which was quite the strange experience... But this time I had a good set and setting nice peaceful night I decided to eat 3 medium sized aper mushrooms my guess around 3.8 gr...
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by on November 5, 2022
I called up my close buddy who I do Shrooms with whenever I get the chance to. He is also a mentor and close friend of mine who got me to try them only for me to be cultivating a bunch on my own. Long story short I prepared the Ban Hua Thanon Mushroom and put the powder into the pint Mason jars. One 1/8th at a time since I wanted to make sure we both had the same exact dose. After that I looked in my fridge and noticed that I only had 1 lemon and 1 lime left. I was so glad that happened to me be...
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by on October 18, 2022
I dranked the tea I made and off I went to await the effects. I made sure to have the intention set at home. Incense and good vibe. I got started by sitting in the living room and that is when I had some sister Nancy playing Bam Bam. Love my Jamaican fam bam and anyone from the Carribean up in here stay Irie. One love from SD. Anyway as beautiful Sister Nancy finished singing I sat next time the Wifey doing her Meds work. It was fun seeing what she had going on. Later on it started getting inten...
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by on October 15, 2022
Happy day first and foremost to all you lovely souls hope your adventures have been grand as of lately good to be back and breathe in the fresh air here. So I acquired a quarter of melmac mushies last weekend and a tiny bit of dmt was added at one point and the process I used is my preferred method of lemon tek. I started with 2.5 grams and added a cup of water at the end to make it into more of a lemonade chugged my glass and it was like 10 minutes I could already feel a familiar feeling of lov...
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by on September 29, 2022
Last night I took 3.5g BHT Lemon tek and all I can say is I finally did the tek right. After I consumed my Lemon tek brew I enjoyed my evening as is with no expectation of anything happening. Once the 1-2hr time period hit I went on the strong peak that you always hear about when doing Lemon tek. While I was observing my dog's playful nature I ended up staring at the back board of the bed. Being made out of wood it allowed me to notice patterns and then eventually I got strong visuals with the b...
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by on September 23, 2022
3,6 gram Pie Crust Melmac I finally found 2 days to myself to have a proper experience again, this would be the second Pie Crust experience, I took 1,7 gram a couple of weeks ago while walking through the forest and that was really beautifull. This time i felt like going a bit deeper, a dose of 3,6 gram seemed good for this moment and it was plenty i can tell you that. I created a sacret space on my fathers propery, he is building a small temple for all sorts of activities that involve self ...
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