by on November 5, 2022
I called up my close buddy who I do Shrooms with whenever I get the chance to. He is also a mentor and close friend of mine who got me to try them only for me to be cultivating a bunch on my own. Long story short I prepared the Ban Hua Thanon Mushroom and put the powder into the pint Mason jars. One 1/8th at a time since I wanted to make sure we both had the same exact dose. After that I looked in my fridge and noticed that I only had 1 lemon and 1 lime left. I was so glad that happened to me because both fruits combined perfectly! After that I put the lids on the Mason jars. Gave the jar a little twirl and then put it in my lunch box before heading over. I brought my dog to meet his but unfortunately my little girl is very territorial and now doesn't really like other dogs. In fact she is overly attached to me and really likes humans only. Hmmmm. So unfortunately I had to take her home. However, driving back and forth it gave 20 minutes for the tek to be ready. Once I got back to his place we added some purified water. Put the lid on our jars and gave it a good ass shake. We then noticed it look like Mud Water but then ended up nicknaming it "Earth Water." We ended up downing it quick and man did it taste so good and the fruits went right down the pipe. We then proceeded to head to his room where his bathroom is his attached smoke spot. I busted out the Hash and we smoked some locally farmed Bud that taste so much better than the dispensaries. After awhile it really hit us. We looked at his white shower curtain and God it was terrible!!!! All of Hells Angels came out and they were out to get me and my guy! They were flying in and out and I saw some Elf like creatures come in and out like it is a glitch in the Matrix or some shit. He was like careful, you can really get lost looking into there. Me and my mentor were like man we better head back to the room, this is going to be an intense one. Sure enough it got even crazier. As I was laying down on his bed with him and we knocked out his dog Snoop with CBD gummies (Vet approved for him) and he went right to snoring. We played some reggae and when he was closing his eyes he kept smiling and laughing saying, "Bro I'm seeing naked women dancing on the beach man!" "And he was like alright!" For me I kept doing deep deep breathing techniques because the lesson I was getting was completely different this time. This time me and him had 2 separate journeys which it is a first for us. Anyway for me I was being transported to a different place and I ended up encountering Exterrestials and seeing radiant energy of light flash in and out. Kind of reminds me of those DMT YouTube video trip clips. They were speaking to me and giving me messages and I couldn't comprehend what it was. I heard SciFi type sounds to and they kept coming in and out expecting me to be frightened or expect the worse from them. To their dismay I was no fun to them and they left with a final *Bleep* sound. Then I encountered some Eastern gods but knowing the Hindu religion is vast and big I can't identify them all. But they resembled many familiar ones like Vishnu for example. Who I have encountered in many different forms on my previous Mazatepec trip. Later on the Demons from the portal to hell came back and really tried to get to me. Come to find out that they were only getting frustrated with me for not reacting. At first I thought it was my depresion being projected on the ceiling. But no that wasn't it, it was the terrible people I have dealt with in my life and also many temptations to break character life wise. To say the least this was more like a Heroic dose trip since I was put through many challenges and realities I had to face. Then after the intensity faded me and my mentor met each other at come down lobby. Me and him then began to see similar things again together, he had a fun time like he was in Jamaica again or something, I had to go through Hell. But then get the catch here! His mechanic called him mid trip and said "Hey Bro, I'm going to letting you know your car won't be done today, then mentioned all the additional expenses he had to pay and his heart kept breaking. They then said ok have a good day, then he was like well it could be worse. I could of lost the engine! Then we talked about our struggles life wise together, even though I owe alot of money and have to deal with alot of life adjustments I learn how to handle it better and take action. Thankfully I got a good job that takes good care of me with a lot benefits. My second job I'm guaranteed hours, so in the end I'm winning. Along with my payday being so much better because both jobs pay the same date! Meaning all bills covered and normalcy is coming back to me. Then the mechanic called him again only to wreck his heart more with the additional expenses for his Lincoln. Over a G he's got to pay but at the end of the day he is thankful that his engine is good. As the come down went through it was getting close for him to leave and get his kids from school while I head home and take care of my responsibilities. He told me I got a good head on my shoulders and that I can do anything as long as I focus on my goal to be a strong and successful male. My conclusion of this report was I got to experience the unpleasant first while my mentor was on paradise island. At the end of the trip he had to face reality while I had to learn in exchange for an easier reality that day. To say the least Lemon Lime tek with an 1/8th of any cubensis will be my go to for good lessons. Eventually I'll bump it to 4.5g for more intense lessons!
Posted in: Psilocybin, Cannabis, Other