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Florida Psychonauts
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Any tips on blasting off? I have a vape with some and have had it since January and the last time I used it was 38th of feb. I can’t find the courage to blast off. The most I’ve even see was my room t... View More
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your going to feel that way, you just have to push through... just keep reminding your self that you're fine and it will only last a few minutes.. I've had full on break throughs a good bit and i still have to push my self, its pure bliss on the other side of that fear
Like April 15, 2022
If possible to put it into words, could you guys give me a brief explanation of your low dose dmt trips amd how they went for you?
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i microdosed dmt via smoking changa joints, the effect is not took me to another world, only waves everywhere like on about 200ug cid, the wonder happen inside the mind. i lost every addictions in a blink of an eye, all i was know is that everything is good and everything happen for a reason and the... View More
Like February 28, 2022 Edited
Just wow. Last time i used this i got pretty cool visuals and an intense body high. Took bigger hits today and i just cant describe what was even going on around me. The space around me was different ... View More
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Honestly… and most people would agree…. The pre-blast off part of a DMT trip is the scariest part. The body load is just so intense and unsettling. Once you blast off all of that goes away. I’m more fearful of not blasting off when I vape DMT.
Like February 27, 2022
Frankkkk you should check out the extraction groups and learn how to make your own. Nobody's gonna help you source product.
Like February 27, 2022
@frankkkk, Asking where to get DMT is considered sourcing. Thats really the only rule that we have here. What you can do is ask where you can purchase some bark. Once you have your bark you can ask for directions for extractions but we cant ask for help to get the actual dmt.
Like February 27, 2022
I got a dmt cartridge and Just did two drug test for marijuana and both came out positive. Unfortunate since i havent smoked since 2020 and need to stay clean from drugs that they usually do random ch... View More
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Just another reason to use the knowledge here to make your own. I can guarantee 100% that my carts have only DMT and PG.
Like January 30, 2022
I wish i could but i live with my parents still. Tryna get my own house by the end of this year and will def start doing it
Like January 30, 2022
Recently got a hold of a dmt cartridge from someone i trust and its definitly dmt but i feel like it may have weed in it which is no good bc i my job random drug tests. The past two times ive taken it... View More
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I get hungry for fresh fruit afterwards and always have great deep sleeps after a good DMT session.
Like January 29, 2022
I usually passout myself and have some amazing dreams that follows. Realistically if you're afraid u may fail a piss test because of weed u should go grab some at home test and check your urine. I'd like to note that if u don't smoke weed regularly the little u may have gotten from the cart shouldn... View More
Like January 29, 2022
^^^this guy said he was leaving but he's still here...
Like January 30, 2022
Going in to become a trucker with a friend so school starts in november. Does anyone know if psylocibin shows on hair follicle tests
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Joey Green
The test for psilocybin is expensive and therefore rarely done ..... Im sure thst whatever authority is in charge of such testing ..... that they are doing the bare bones requirements AND doing them as cheaply as is possible. Having said that ..... I would think that such investments of ones time, ... View More
Like September 4, 2020
Yea i completely agree joey i stopped smoking weed about a momth ago but i do not want to ruin bc they pick up psylo in my system. Thanks for the tip
Like September 4, 2020
I just never do them and its been a while. Ive been living my best life these past couple months and just had something in me telling me to do it. But if it means the possible risk of fucking up my career path ill just be patient
Like September 4, 2020
I was peaking on 2.5 of mazatapec and when looking at a dollar i was hypnotized but while looking at it i felt a bad trip creeping up and had to let go and put the dollar away. Has anyone ever experie... View More
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Yeah, not looking at a dollar tho. When this happens be conscious of your breathing, most bad trips a due to lack of oxygen. I do understand that money could spark negative thoughts, unless your stuped rich...lol
Like July 22, 2020
They say no amount of physchedlics can prep you for dmt but also say no amount of dmt can prep you for 5-meo. Stupid question to ask but for anyone whos done both, how much different are they from eac... View More
My first time doing mushies it was great i thought, “how could my friend possibly have a bad trip?” The whole thing was beautiful. Did it again with a few friends and it was very uncomfortable. Everyt... View More
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Tripping with a bunch of friends is like rolling the dice on a bad trip. Reduce the numbers, become more comfortable.
Like April 21, 2020
Sing, hum, or dance Always works for me when its getting tough
Like April 21, 2020
Well the trip with my friends there was only two of them lol every other time ive done shrooms have been with myself. I just cant seem to tame my thoughts.
Like April 21, 2020
Jay Pickles
When I get into that weird head space I isolate myself until I can get a grip, things that help me personally, telling someone I'm with what's going on with me; this helps me get out of that paranoia and I've also noticed that weed can make this much worse for me personally. Having someone close by ... View More
Like April 21, 2020
Forgot to mark my jars what should I do?
So I inoculated 9 jars and per three jars is 4 cc of the same strain. Problem is the syringes I got weren’t labeled at all so I already didn’t know what I’m put... View More

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I would separate them all as best you can. The competition between strains might end up stalling out your grow.
Like March 6, 2020
Shaman Wizard
I forgot to label once i just let it run and if people ask i say well i have this and this mixed
Like March 6, 2020
I dont have supplies to be able to do that many and it would take up space. I just need to know if it would work or not
Like March 13, 2020
Shoeboxes, masking tape, and a journal of what activity and strain you’re working on. It’s a great thing to be able to go back to say growth rate, or whatever else for reference and monitor everything. I even write down prices of things I see where for best option. Recipes, tech, and places and peo... View More
Like March 13, 2020
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