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Florida Psychonauts
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Peakin off my own supply rn. Things are pretty neat XD
Is anyone else here able to induce their sleep? When im drowsy i can conciously fall asleep but it gets hard to control. Ill see some trippy dark patterns when it happens and its kind of like im purpo... View More
5 people like this.
I’m the exact same way
Like January 29, 2020
This is unheard of to me. Sounds unbelievable and useful
Like January 29, 2020
lol Wish I could induce sleep I'm lucky if I get 5 hrs a night
Like January 29, 2020
Going on a cruise tomorrow with 12 other family members. Thinking about bringing 5 g of shrooms with me? ????
1 person likes this.
That sounds fun, as long as your familys cool and you can hang. Thats a pretty public setting, if youre not ready for it.
Like January 16, 2020
Just to microdose off of through out the days im on vacation. Anybody ever done shrooms on a cruise?
Like January 16, 2020
Thought of this recently. We have the ablitly to render worlds within our own mind when we dream and take control. What if thats our case and we are someone elses dream?
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3 grams of aborts. Thinking if i should just do them all
16 people like this.
Do it! Enjoy your trip
Like December 27, 2019
Like December 27, 2019
Like December 27, 2019
Im thinking about doing the same when I get home this evening. Safe travels bro
Like December 27, 2019
shared a few photos
First flush. Compared to second. I actually like that they are growing thicker and smaller but anyone know by chance why they grow in differently?
Left is dry but still bendablw while the right is heat dried at 165f. For some reason i prefer the ones on the left but is it good to leave it like that? And not conpletly dry out?
Am i doing something wrong? This is the second time its happen and these are a diff strain. Mazatapec. Its happen to me with my GT and now my maz. Me and my buddy did 3 grams; he did a few and i did o... View More
5 people like this.
Eat 20. Not joking. Your welcome
Like December 15, 2019
Try drying them and grinding them putting them in capsules and fasting when you take them
Like December 15, 2019
Grow penis envy
Like December 28, 2019
@enlightenmentz they are coming in tomorrow
Like December 31, 2019
With my anticpiation of doing these shrooms saturday, i had a realistic dream i can’t remember too much of but i do remember i did 3 grams of my maz and i was tripping stupid balls like not even 10 mi... View More
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A few months ago i had a dream i was on dmt, the visuals were all there, everything was the same as an actual trip, i woke up thinking fuck, what was that all about, was really freaky
Like December 11, 2019
Hey guys, i dont know why but for some reason as much as i want to do mushrooms, a little something in me is scared to do it. Its not my first time doing it and uave had fun times before but for some ... View More
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Animal Energy
Hmmmm the last 2 times i felt nauseous i had coffee shortly before dosing. Before those times i'd thought i had finally discovered the answer by smoking weed...it completely eliminated the nausea until these last 2 times. I think i know what variable to control for next time...thank you
Like December 9, 2019
I have it everytime i take it just to feel bliss and the thought that it was just my ego screaming shit before he is out of the picture for a few hours.
Like December 9, 2019 Edited
Animal Energy
AllisOne pretty fascinating story, thanks for sharing. I'm 34 so maybe there's still hope?! (if you can call it that even with the vertigo part...but I feel like there's a psychedelic analogy in there where a notable and difficult experience ends up producing some kind of lasting healing once its ov... View More
Like December 9, 2019 Edited
Ive smoked weed with my buddy and i did 4 grams lemon tek. Once we started smoking it was peaking and i stood outside embracing the euphoria.
Like December 9, 2019
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