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Florida Psychonauts
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Hey guys, i dont know why but for some reason as much as i want to do mushrooms, a little something in me is scared to do it. Its not my first time doing it and uave had fun times before but for some ... View More
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Animal Energy
Hmmmm the last 2 times i felt nauseous i had coffee shortly before dosing. Before those times i'd thought i had finally discovered the answer by smoking weed...it completely eliminated the nausea until these last 2 times. I think i know what variable to control for next time...thank you
Like December 9, 2019
I have it everytime i take it just to feel bliss and the thought that it was just my ego screaming shit before he is out of the picture for a few hours.
Like December 9, 2019 Edited
Animal Energy
AllisOne pretty fascinating story, thanks for sharing. I'm 34 so maybe there's still hope?! (if you can call it that even with the vertigo part...but I feel like there's a psychedelic analogy in there where a notable and difficult experience ends up producing some kind of lasting healing once its ov... View More
Like December 9, 2019 Edited
Ive smoked weed with my buddy and i did 4 grams lemon tek. Once we started smoking it was peaking and i stood outside embracing the euphoria.
Like December 9, 2019