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9th Dimensional Holy Guru

Lives in Pennsylvania, United States. Is married.
About Me
Cosmic Chakra Balancing Enlightenment Music.
Extraterrestrial Channeled Messages Woven Into Lyrics.
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Where have you been friend?
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Slipknot Mckenna
You can find him on rap fame app slaughtering it.
Like January 29, 2023
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
Raag Bihaagraa, Chhant, Fourth Mehl, First House: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my soul; as Gurmukh, meditate on the invaluabl... View More
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
A Pleasure!
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself (BG 4.7)
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
My dear Uddhava, neither philosophical speculation nor meditational yoga nor penances can give Me such pleasure as devotional service practiced by the living entities. I am dear only to My devotees, a... View More
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with ClintBeastwood and 45 others
This song placed 3rd in a rap contest!
Lyrics below! (For the trance readers)
With the Chief.
Sipping on the sacred tea.
Slipping int... View More

20 people like this.
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
Thank you for listening fellow explorers!
Like July 5, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
Mad Skills to!
Like July 5, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
Like July 5, 2019
Like August 21, 2019
thanks for sharing
1 person likes this.
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
That is not only my honor but also my Dharma, my duty, my path! To disobey my spirit guides would mean complete ruin for my life! I share as they demand I do!
Like July 3, 2019
I'm on a path too brother. Mine is to use my skills to draw attention and talk to ppl. Italians are so back in the process. The fact they don't speak English is a major cut off. For so long I've been off the ring ( boxing ) cause I was scared. But it's clear now. I must turn pro. Regardless my age.... View More
Like July 3, 2019
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with Ophiel Anderson and 47 others
Early Access to an unreleased song!
Click the link to hear the single before the album releases!
17 people like this.
Nicely done
Like July 4, 2019
guru nanak 1f600.png
Like July 4, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
We enjoyed it bro. Some of those rhymes made me chuckle. Fucking A, man.
Like July 4, 2019
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
Waking The Guru is an album I compiled that contains all of my favorite songs from the very first year I created music!
You can find this album on Spotify
Or iTunes
Thank you guys for listening to this P... View More

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