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9th Dimensional Holy Guru

Lives in Pennsylvania, United States. Is married.
About Me
Cosmic Chakra Balancing Enlightenment Music.
Extraterrestrial Channeled Messages Woven Into Lyrics.
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9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with Pmac79 and 43 others
Humans are plagued by anxiety and fear.
Primal emotions left on with no danger near.
Or maybe it's because our fellow humans actually live in fear.
We just feel sympathy pain.
Hunger poverty and war are ... View More

50 people like this.
Gave me goosebumps. Thank you Excellent writing
Like July 29, 2019
Like August 9, 2019
london brick lane
Like September 21, 2019 Edited
In the deepest depths of one if my musbroom trips i really discovered that every but of human danger is fear and anxiety chasing pleasure and fulfilment, whether it be ling term or short term, great post
Like October 11, 2020
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with Prairie_Drummer and 45 others
You're sleeping in while I'm wide awake getting my mantras in.
I wake up rapping to the beat from my dream.
You know I bake up, with the finest green.
Some of you act fake tough.
While I'm bas... View More

26 people like this.
Fire man
Like July 3, 2019
Like July 4, 2019
Damn, I need to take more psychedelics. This was amazing.
Like September 15, 2019
I hadn't realized I was holding my breath reading this. Bravo! You know when you're a good writer when someone else wishes they'd written a masterpiece as this. Please keep creating. YOu're amazing!
Like October 2, 2020
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with DragonPHX and 40 others
Measure my actions on the scale of honor.
Levers and pulleys retracting.
Enacting clever movements in the here after.
Ripples in time affecting the weather.
The master of disaster sits at his desk.
The cr... View More

15 people like this.
Ali Cenk Gidergi
İlla huu !
Like July 1, 2019
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
I would be a fool to believe I did this myself.
May I be a tool for the Supreme who lives to help.
God designed my demise and my rise.
What? Are you surprised?
I humbly accept God knows what is right.
On a... View More

9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with HappyKB and 31 others
I’m not the lion of Judah
But I got a mind like Buddha.
Divide and multiply.
Hear the roar of Rudra.
Daily ritualistic mantras.
Bay leaf and eucalyptus activate the chakras.
Remain disciplined.
Speaking t... View More

9th Dimensional Holy Guru
True and lasting peace.
Blue collar karma release.
The Supreme Being is pleased.
I need to learn to breathe.
I am so lost in the ambrosial stream.
Eyes half open it seems I’m asleep but I am headed to mee... View More

9th Dimensional Holy Guru
True and lasting peace.
Blue collar karma release.
The Supreme Being is pleased.
I need to learn to breathe.
I am so lost in the ambrosial stream.
Eyes half open it seems I’m asleep but I am headed to mee... View More

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