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Florida Psychonauts
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Forgot to mark my jars what should I do?
So I inoculated 9 jars and per three jars is 4 cc of the same strain. Problem is the syringes I got weren’t labeled at all so I already didn’t know what I’m put... View More

2 people like this.
I would separate them all as best you can. The competition between strains might end up stalling out your grow.
Like March 6, 2020
Shaman Wizard
I forgot to label once i just let it run and if people ask i say well i have this and this mixed
Like March 6, 2020
I dont have supplies to be able to do that many and it would take up space. I just need to know if it would work or not
Like March 13, 2020
Shoeboxes, masking tape, and a journal of what activity and strain you’re working on. It’s a great thing to be able to go back to say growth rate, or whatever else for reference and monitor everything. I even write down prices of things I see where for best option. Recipes, tech, and places and peo... View More
Like March 13, 2020