on April 21, 2020
My first time doing mushies it was great i thought, “how could my friend possibly have a bad trip?” The whole thing was beautiful. Did it again with a few friends and it was very uncomfortable. Everytime i try mushrooms now its like im bipolar with these constant ups and downs when on mushrooms. What do you guys do to settle your minds to wnjoy the trip. As much as i want to do it somethings just holding me back bc i know im gonna have to endure it for the next few hours. Any tips?
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Tripping with a bunch of friends is like rolling the dice on a bad trip. Reduce the numbers, become more comfortable.
Like April 21, 2020
Sing, hum, or dance Always works for me when its getting tough
Like April 21, 2020
Well the trip with my friends there was only two of them lol every other time ive done shrooms have been with myself. I just cant seem to tame my thoughts.
Like April 21, 2020
Jay Pickles
When I get into that weird head space I isolate myself until I can get a grip, things that help me personally, telling someone I'm with what's going on with me; this helps me get out of that paranoia and I've also noticed that weed can make this much worse for me personally. Having someone close by ... View More
Like April 21, 2020