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Florida Psychonauts
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Going in to become a trucker with a friend so school starts in november. Does anyone know if psylocibin shows on hair follicle tests
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Joey Green
The test for psilocybin is expensive and therefore rarely done ..... Im sure thst whatever authority is in charge of such testing ..... that they are doing the bare bones requirements AND doing them as cheaply as is possible. Having said that ..... I would think that such investments of ones time, ... View More
Like September 4, 2020
Yea i completely agree joey i stopped smoking weed about a momth ago but i do not want to ruin bc they pick up psylo in my system. Thanks for the tip
Like September 4, 2020
I just never do them and its been a while. Ive been living my best life these past couple months and just had something in me telling me to do it. But if it means the possible risk of fucking up my career path ill just be patient
Like September 4, 2020