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DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
Anyone noticed how mainstream DMT is becoming
8 people like this.
DMT and microdosing are the most mainstream topics in the field of psychedelics and yes, the normies are catching on.
Like February 24, 2022 Edited
im still notice that everyone around me have no guess what dmt is
Like February 24, 2022
Today someone asked if i could help with mushies, because their mothers auntee wants to microdose! Whaaat? If that generation can openly give it a go, there must be a very good momentum building on psychedelic scene. The more people will give it a good go, the more connected society around us? Lets ... View More
Like February 25, 2022
I’m not surprised….there have been a lot of info. on studies in the mainstream media. More people are exposed to the idea it can help them. Most people would try about anything to escape the madness of depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc. There comes a time when you have nothing left to loose.
Like February 25, 2022
shared a few photos
Anyone's thoughts on this mad shit at the local beach in UK this morning
15 people like this.
Like January 28, 2022
I've seen it before too. Supposedly what i saw was a strange reflection of the light from the sun hitting the clouds just right... when i first saw it, it was so bright and vivid it looked like there were 2 suns in the same sky about 20-30 degrees azimuth apart
Like January 28, 2022 Edited
The face in the clouds lol
Like January 28, 2022
In profile, one cloud licking the pussy of the other cloud, which is emitting radiant white light
Like January 29, 2022
Every minute someone leaves this world behind.
We're all in "the queue" without knowing it.
We will never know how many people are ahead of us.
We can't move to the bottom of the row.
We can't get out of ... View More

9 people like this.
Mushlove to you good sir!
Like January 27, 2022
Yes sir! Never know when the queue will call your number so be ready for it at any moment biu making your moments count and living within the boundaries your conscience
Like January 27, 2022 Edited
What's people's thoughts on tartaria?
Heres one for you all...
Dmt takes you somwhere right. Weve done it.
Whats your thoughts on hollow earth? Agartha?
Flat earth
Deep state etc
8 people like this.
Dmt dont takes you anywhere outside, it takes you inside, and you realize that deep inside is the whole universe, and that we are all build with the same crazy stuff and our ego limitations are just veil upon the begining and the end, the origine and the source, pure light playing around, and shadow... View More
Like October 31, 2021
Hollow earth? Does not align with reality. Flat Earth? Had this debate too many times. It's not. The evidence is overwhelming but Flat Earthers are concerned with rejecting authority more than having rational debates. I can't even... Deep state? Meh. There is obviously corruption and malevolent ps... View More
Like October 31, 2021 Edited
Flat earth or crater earth theory seems plausible. Eric Dubay seems like an honest guy but a lot of flat earth dudes either are dumb or intentionally spreading nonsense to make it sound rediculous. The oldest maps found are of a flat earth Hollow earth I looked into only lightly and it seems somewha... View More
Like November 1, 2021
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qcfav3vb78 Heres a random dudes take on history of crater earth. I found it interesting.
Like November 1, 2021
So woke up to this text from my friend this morming obviously doing the DEEMS last night.
Spoke to him today he was on the express train hurtling towards the future looked to his left and theres DOC fr... View More

Anyone here into it? How did you get started?
Its something ive looked into, read quite a bit about, tried maybe once or twice (seriously) but feel like i am wasting time? (i know!)
Anyhow i ... View More

16 people like this.
Definitely a way to go, it can change your life and make you a better person 1f642.png 1f642.png
Like February 5, 2021 Edited
Join me on Waking Up. I'd like to give you a free month to experience the app for yourself. https://dynamic.wakingup.com/redeemMonth/1da2b6 If you dont have the means to pay for using the app after the free month they can give you a free year. just write to them by email. You don't have to explai... View More
Like February 5, 2021
In the app there is some information and interviews about psychedelics too.
Like February 5, 2021
I like the books available by AYP, they are short and clear, plus free. If you are goibg to do meditation then you also want to learn pranayama, or the breathing exercises. The two are inseparable. https://www.aypsite.com/
Like February 5, 2021
Whats everyones thought on the afterlife?
DMT changed yours or are you still sceptical?
So last night me and the GF were sat having a few drinks.. Child free for the first time in ages. Wishing we had some dmt or something (so we did our first dmt on new years day) so we said wonder if t... View More
16 people like this.
Saidar i snorted it on new years eve before my first try on new years day. It does burn but not too bad. IWas scared of it to be honest. But now i dont know why i was. Think it was fear of the unknown. Reading up too much on it a little over investigation.
Like January 17, 2021 Edited
After almost two years of DMT being in my life I am still scared of it. No shame there.
Like January 17, 2021
I have heard of other people going to discos on DMT. It's apparently a common hallucination.
Like January 29, 2021
Hey dreamer.. I guess it was with everything going on in the background? We were having a few drinks had the tunes on and hit tge leftover deems resin a couple times. Either way it was amazing. Never seen hallucinations so clear so HD. Even my first deems was not ad good as that
Like January 29, 2021
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