on January 30, 2021
Anyone here into it? How did you get started?
Its something ive looked into, read quite a bit about, tried maybe once or twice (seriously) but feel like i am wasting time? (i know!)
Anyhow i try to do it mostly now preparing for sleep. Trying to make the mind switch off and think of not thinking about thinking about thinking..
Me and my friends have been going to the beach at 6am GMT In the uk, and having a 10 minute dip to start the body. Which is absolutely amazing. Cold but amazing. The natural high as your body switches on is unreal.
Last saturday we did it at 8am, caught sunrise and there was a group of say 9 people wrapped up doing there meditation thing on the beach which got me back to thinking about it and how interesting it seems
Id love to hear
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Definitely a way to go, it can change your life and make you a better person 1f642.png 1f642.png
Like February 5, 2021 Edited
Join me on Waking Up. I'd like to give you a free month to experience the app for yourself. If you dont have the means to pay for using the app after the free month they can give you a free year. just write to them by email. You don't have to explai... View More
Like February 5, 2021
In the app there is some information and interviews about psychedelics too.
Like February 5, 2021
I like the books available by AYP, they are short and clear, plus free. If you are goibg to do meditation then you also want to learn pranayama, or the breathing exercises. The two are inseparable.
Like February 5, 2021