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Hey guys. I hope you are all doing well. I know this community is amazing and there are a lot of experienced people here. That is why I thought it might be a good idea to ask for guidance here. I have... View MoreHey guys. I hope you are all doing well. I know this community is amazing and there are a lot of experienced people here. That is why I thought it might be a good idea to ask for guidance here. I have personal doubts related to psychedelic use and I am considering to stop completely with them.The reason is mainly my family background: My father was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia when I was 8 years old. And my father's family line has a history of mental illness and generational trauma. My parents got divorced after my father became sick and it was very traumatic for me as a kid. I developed cPTSD and Persistent Depressive disorder as a consequence. I was not aware of it until recently (around a year ago) when I was diagnosed. At age 35.I am receiving proper treatment for the trauma and depression. Including EMDR, CBT, and ACT therapies. Before I was diagnosed, I tried psychedelics. I was 33 years old during the COVID lockdowns and I used psychedelics for the first time to cope with intense emotional pain and anxiety.At the time I got fascinated by them and became a member of this community. I did DMT more than 10 times in a year. I grew some Schroms and ingested them many times too, the highest dose I took was 5 grams dried. I also had some experiences with LSD and MDMA.Psychedelics are very powerful substances. I can say they helped me withstand the bad moments during the pandemic and also learn more about myself and the possibilities of consciousness. They did not heal my mental health issues but they made me realize there was something to work on myself, and it had to be done to heal and cut the line of generational trauma in my family. Even bad trips were pointing out this.I got a lot of courage from them and I changed my life radically afterwards. I moved out of my own country and away from my family. But recently, I spoke with my therapist about psychedelics. He is extremely smart, and his work has been helping me a lot. But he is hesitant about psychedelics. He recently confronted me about them and his suggestion was to stop completely. He told me that I might be putting myself at risk because of my family history, as they might eventually trigger the onset of schizophrenia if I have a genetic predisposition.Usually, when I do psychedelics, I feel very good. Especially with mushrooms. It is an extremely grounding experience for me. I respect them and I know the importance of a good set, setting, and intention before eating them.How can something like this trigger schizophrenia? Have you seen such cases around you?I am not completely convinced by my psychologist. But I am sure his intentions are good and he is into something. I am not seeking validation here. I just need good advice on this issue. I would like to get alternative perspectives and information that help me take a proper decision.You can also suggest books, scientific studies, websites, or refer me to an organization that can guide me with this.I also respect if you want to keep silent. Because I know there is not a lot of clear information about this topic.Thank you in advance
Hey guys.
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Do you think this is ready for fruiting?
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