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Hey guys. I hope you are all doing well. I know this community is amazing and there are a lot of experienced people here. That is why I thought it might be a good idea to ask for guidance here. I have... View More
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I’m sure your therapist has your best intentions in mind but many people (Doctors and therapists included) do not see the value of psychedelics when used responsibly and in moderation. In 2016 I had severe depression suicidal thoughts and thoughts of impending doom clouded my mind daily for nearly ... View More
Like May 31, 2023
Hey @cmac78 thank you for your answer. I am glad to hear about your story because it gives me hope. I like your suggestions, Moderation is important. And I will consider asking another professional. Thank you, brother. Hope you the best
Like May 31, 2023 Edited
That’s a tough one friend. I honestly would ask another therapist. Psychedelics are still pretty new and j doubt a lot of therapists are keeping tabs on the current science/data about it. I don’t want to give you medical advice but yeah I’d ask for a second opinion. MYbe search for a doc in Cali ... View More
Like May 31, 2023
Medical advice is not something to forget, it needs to be fully considered. That being said, my biological father was schizophrenic (I was adopted and found out about this much later in life) and I have cPTSD. I’ve been on a serious healing journey since I started microdosing and also I do two 5 g... View More
Like May 31, 2023
Hey guys.
Any advice about how to heal from a horrendous bad trip?
How can we make sense of being literally in hell for many hours? sad.gif
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Not a big dose, it was with truffles actually. I mixed it with hash. I think, the problem was Set and Setting. I did it alone, by impulse. On a depressing day/weather. I felt it like a torture. My heart was being teared apart and all past traumas were brought to the conscious mind. It showed me I ha... View More
Like December 20, 2021
Well, yeah, you have an answer here. Set and setting is very important. And also you just made sense out of your trip! And i think you got what you needed. Usually we avoid these kind of things and facing them. I think you learned a very important lesson here and you can be even thankful to your tr... View More
Like December 20, 2021
Now i wish you to go through all of it little by little, gonna be a hard path to take, but step by step you can heal. And i wish you to do so and start walking to a better life - Better yourself. Mush love to you2665.png
Like December 20, 2021
A trip is a expedition in the self. I think non judgement is a good approach - take it as it is.
Like December 20, 2021
This is what you want yours to look like. This one needs another 1-2 days to cover the last remaining little spots.
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Thank you!
Like May 27, 2021
You are welcome NeoWise. If you have more questions feel free to ask Carinispoorhead thank you brother. Its melmac in case anybody was wondering
Like May 27, 2021 Edited
Just be patient and keep it closed. Give it 7-10 more days. If it’s not really close to all white by then you may have tam issues. But not yet 1f60e.png
Like May 28, 2021
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Do you think this is ready for fruiting?
It has been in darkness since 21-5-2021
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and Carinispoorhead are right. I also completely cover mine (including the edges foldet in) with aluminium foil and check at day 10 for the first time. Usually takes 10-14 days until fully white and completely colonized. You dont want to fruit any earlier than that
Like May 27, 2021 Edited
Thank you brothers!!! :-)
Like May 27, 2021
Like May 27, 2021
I never liked the idea of covering my cakes with foil because that means i have to open the lid to remove the foil. Instead i like to put my tub in a Hefty contractor bag. It does the same thing and i still get to peak every once in a while to see progression and allow fae at the same time. I use th... View More
Like May 28, 2021 Edited
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Krishnamurti said the thruth
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Like May 15, 2021
The lyrics <3>
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