on May 27, 2021
Do you think this is ready for fruiting?
It has been in darkness since 21-5-2021
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 6.32 Mb
4 people like this.
and Carinispoorhead are right. I also completely cover mine (including the edges foldet in) with aluminium foil and check at day 10 for the first time. Usually takes 10-14 days until fully white and completely colonized. You dont want to fruit any earlier than that
Like May 27, 2021 Edited
Thank you brothers!!! :-)
Like May 27, 2021
Like May 27, 2021
I never liked the idea of covering my cakes with foil because that means i have to open the lid to remove the foil. Instead i like to put my tub in a Hefty contractor bag. It does the same thing and i still get to peak every once in a while to see progression and allow fae at the same time. I use th... View More
Like May 28, 2021 Edited