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Coast to coast Am radio show tonight is about DMT+ entities
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Is it with are good ol pal George Noory? Love his stuff and his hosts.
Like September 26, 2021
Maybe im crazy but im convinced theres a way to actually fully unlock the other side permentently without having to die or be a crazy person..
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You are not crazy.. You have to ne aware and open minded 1st and willing to accept the Truth whatever that might be for yourself.
Like December 20, 2020
It takes immense amounts of dedication as well. And most people classified as crazy, are only crazy by societies sfandards and most likely have a full grasp on the other side
Like December 20, 2020
Good luck with the last half of that one as crazy has always and always will be a constructed perception based upon the projection of the viewer's 'normal' You literally cannot appear sane forever, not to everyone. You could appear to be the sanest person in the world and it'll upset someone on sha... View More
Like December 20, 2020
Like December 20, 2020
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I love these! Dont really got the money for them all the time. Like 5 bucks a piece here. Im a type 1 diabetic and eating one of those kept my blood sugar low as hell for the whole day.
Like December 20, 2020
Please indulge a curious lady. The fruit with the claws at 11:00 What is that? @NotaContribution They look like a goblin's claws. And the one its right side, what is it? These are something I don't ever recall seeing.
Like December 20, 2020
Dragonfruit is the best it kind of tastes to me like kiwi
Like December 20, 2020
Im a fan of dragon fruit also. Cant get it in my area so when im of town i try to fine one. Yeh similar to dull kiwi. The yellow im not sure on. Eat the dragon fruit with a spoon right out the "shell". Bury my face in that shit.
Like December 20, 2020
Jim vs jam aka feelings vs good =yay
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I just had my first “flashback” after 20 years of psychadelics.. it was , real, scary and suprising..
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so what happened? why do u think it was a real flashback? i never got one but looking forward for that experience
Like November 27, 2020
What “knowledge” have you actually brought back from a dmt trip?
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I used to think they were giving me these great simple answers to any questions i asked, until i realized.. if you know the question, you probably already know the answer.. like; it was always there to begin with.. thats still useful and cool and quicker than meditation, but i always wanted more.. l... View More
Like October 25, 2020
Anyway, ive been pushing it and saying enough with generic symbol soup they are always showing, and give me something REAL that i can work with.so a few mins ago i took a huge blast and met up with these alien kids and they showed me all these “inventions” that people all over the universe have been... View More
Like October 25, 2020
Like October 25, 2020
Like October 25, 2020
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Ok so you know how when youre being the universe,that giant undulating orb expanse of nothing and out of the corner of your exsistanse you can see that foggy skin between everything and nothing? Focus in on that suuuuperrr hard until you start to see patterns in it and look for the spirals.. dont fo... View More
Like October 24, 2020
Also, hilarious medicine man little vampire cults can go fuck off, my magic is POW
Like October 24, 2020
Lolll chill till the next episode, good game guyz
Like October 24, 2020
Uzu, its the inside of a sand dollar
Like October 24, 2020
https://youtu.be/QttUcKZ8NMU girls are the fucking BEST
Doin it and doin it and doin it right
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How did it go ?
Like October 17, 2020
Like October 17, 2020
I went into what looked like a little babies play room with all these corny dangly toys hanging from the top and giant bouncy balls ,they turned me into a cat or something and i couldnt help myself from chasing around these giant balls of yarn.. they are total ball busters and its hilarious.. it l... View More
Like October 17, 2020
Like October 18, 2020
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