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Is it against guidelines to discuss sources for mimosa hostilis root bark?
5 people like this.
Nope, it's not.
Like May 25, 2022 Edited
In the meantime you might want to check out group, there are reviews in there of bark left from the community as well.
Like May 25, 2022 Edited
Thank you I haven't been on in a while. And nice one Otto
Like May 25, 2022
Okay so I'm looking to get a feel for an audience while writing my music lately. I'm not very good with odd time signatures, and I'm no Hendrix on the guitar. However, I'm looking to write music tha... View More
2 people like this.
Im not on any platform yet really. I am willing to send you a sample of what I do through email or via the messaging here on dmt world. I can compress an mp3 to zip file then send on the site.
Like July 5, 2021
send it through brotha [email protected]
Like July 5, 2021
Lets hear it! [email protected]
Like July 9, 2021
Has anyone had any success with grain bags that are ready to be inoculated bought from any 3rd party sites? If so, what's your go to? I will be making my own most likely, but if I can find a reliabl... View More
1 person likes this.
thanks shroomday! My plan is to go both routes. I have a couple swabs, and a syringe. So I'll use a grain bag with syringe, and also work with agar with the swabs.
Like June 6, 2021
Joey Green
Anybody can commercially produce sterilized grain bags for sale ...... But if you want ones meticulously made with expertise, love, care and dedication ..... Jetjunky31 is truly your only option!
Like June 6, 2021
Like June 6, 2021
Thanks guys! Love how this community supports one another. You guys rock! I will 100 percent be buying from him.
Like June 6, 2021
12 people like this.
We have a saying here in brazil "if it had a sign, it haves a story"
Like May 31, 2021
Just had what I would call my first full experience with San Pedro. While the dosage was still on the weaker side, I feel like I have made a new friend. I love how revitalized the experience has lef... View More
8 people like this.
While i havent broken through on dmt yet (hopefully this weekend), huachuma is the only psychedelic i have tried that truly feels like im in the presence of a teacher. I can feel him all around us when we have ceremonies. There is a loving presence of something else, thats the best way i can explain... View More
Like May 29, 2021
I guess not. A higher dose might bring that feeling on for me. The closest thing i would say that i have had to that type of experience is when i felt a presence that I thought of as God on 1p-lsd. He gave me actual advice without speaking amd it was simple, yet important.
Like May 30, 2021
"Bad trip" is a term that a lot of psychedelic users do not truly like to use. This is because a "bad trip" often times has great beneficial effects on one's life. In fact, a great deal of users of ... View More
4 people like this.
All my "Bad Trips" I needed to experience them. Its what i needed at that time in my life, i am greatful i made it through able to grasp the knowledge i did!
Like May 29, 2021
Like May 30, 2021
No bad trips, only challenging trips.
Like June 1, 2021
Can anyone tell me if LSA affects tolerance to mescaline? I used LSA the other day, and I'm planning on experimenting with some cactus today. Should i just wait for another day or will i experience ... View More
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There shouldnt be a cross tolerance effect. LSA is a tryptamine and mescaline is a phenethylamine. Their mechanism of action is different.
Like May 21, 2021
Thank you so much. I figured as much but wasn't sure. Don't like the thought of wasting. Im about to try it out and I'm really excited. Preflight jitters lol.
Like May 21, 2021
I just need to find out how to find San Pedro or any other cactus that actually contains mescaline. I bought 5 cuttings of San Pedro just to find out that they are absolutely weak in alkaloid content... View More
3 people like this.
Could be cuzco just lower content. Just gotta munch 2+ lbs instead of 1/2lb +
Like May 19, 2021
They are all diff. And i wouldnt focus on that one alkaloid. Unless your gonna do an extaction. There is alot more in there than just that. And each of them have different feels.
Like May 19, 2021
I would place them in a darker location for a few weeks, but be sure to check on them periodically in case a mold develops. Also, exercise extreme verbal abuse. Let it know how you're going to slowly cut it up into little pieces, boil it, mash it, etc. Make it regret ever wanting to grow ever again!... View More
Like May 21, 2021
Skipped straight to physical. I am currently spanking the cuttings but I think they like it and now my hand is bleeding.
Like May 21, 2021
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