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Female. Lives in Oregon, United States. Is single.
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I like to have the best time every time.
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Dose anyone else see the om symbol when they smoke dmt?
1 person likes this.
The universe is revealing secrets to you. Each symbol, especially of old history like latin, hebrew, and indian sanscrit carry great meaning and spiritual power and significance.
Like January 29, 2022
Hi can anyone tell me the ratios to make the best dmt cart
3 people like this.
50/50 by volume But I have no idea if the ideal ratio is found jet. That would need some scientific approach.
Like November 15, 2019 Edited
I dont make carts, but vape juice to add to a tank. Some people say 1g to 1ml of liquid, but i make mine 0.5g to 1.5ml, can normally breakthrough on 3 hits. But then i use a smok tank, sub ohm, which produces plenty of vapour, personlly i think its a better way of vaping dmt, carts produce a lot les... View More
Like November 15, 2019
Amazing I want this
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Where do you find a pressure chamber?
Like September 2, 2019
Lots and lots of places. Buy one. Build one. Repurpose one. Be aware of what's going on and what pressure you will be operating at.
Like September 2, 2019
If you search for "diamond miner" on extraction websites you will find one, albeit a bit pricey.
Like September 2, 2019
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