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Male. Born on October 10, 1983. Is married.
About Me
Been a grower for the past 20+ years. Grown everything I could get may hands on. Cacti are my new gi... View More
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Yaaaaay my homie blessed me with hella lionsmane powder. From stuff he grows. Now to get it in the rotation.
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Like July 11, 2021
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One of the blooms from a few years ago
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Shes looking happy
36 people like this.
So beautiful!
Like July 3, 2021
Beautiful man
Like July 3, 2021
CaLi Uso
โ€œI got a pineappleโ€ฆ. โ€ฆ. I got a pennnnโ€ฆ. pineapple-pennnnโ€
Like July 4, 2021
Like July 4, 2021
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I love these things. Voodoo lillys . Related to the worlds largest flower. That is just one big leaf. The coloring on the stem always gets me. They flower from time to time. Smells like something died... View More
13 people like this.
Ooooooo pretty
Like July 3, 2021
Ebay for odd shit tbh. But i got alot of my genetics from my old job. I worked a hydro store since i was like 18. Ppl always gave me the coolest stuff as a ty for knowledge.
Like July 3, 2021
Thats cool
Like July 3, 2021
Happy father day!!! Hope yall get everything ya heart desires.
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My favorite dj. Like who tf else can mix the dead amd make it sound fire af? If you have any suggestions for similar plz coment.
Any advise for nerve damage? Dislocated my shoulder a few years ago. And it has been the bain of my existence since. Ive been in pain pretty much every day of my natural life. Because scoliosis. Ive l... View More
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Ty btw appreciate cha
Like June 16, 2021
Hmmm for realz??
Like June 16, 2021
You ever tried kratom? It is not really like opiates imo, much less intoxicating but you can still get great analgrsic effects with it. If you want i can send you a sample or 2. I still feel like i owe you for the fucking awesome seedlings
Like June 16, 2021
Ive read extreme high doses of lsd can correct chronic nerve pain, also high doses of dmt can inhibit nerve pain for weeks at a time
Like June 18, 2021
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When you sit on a sticker for so long waiting for the best spot for it. And you just cant get it off the damn paper. Ffs
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Need a few more headies for my planter im working on.
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Nice ario!
Like June 17, 2021
Thaaatt planter is siiiccckkkk!!
Like June 17, 2021
Still trying to figure out if this guy is just a troll or not. The level of combativness seems like troll tendencies so i dont know.
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