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Female. Lives in United States. Born on December 12, 1991. Is divorced.
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Is there a switch that happens for some depressed people where they begin see people who committed suicide as brave?
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Mental distress makeS no sense
Like October 11, 2021
That was beautifully said
Like October 11, 2021
Has anyone here taken the Myers Briggs test or 16 personalities test? I was curious on how many of us have and what it says we are.. also if you agree with it?
5 people like this.
Haha! Sorry.. Maybe i should have looked first.. my bad guys!
Like October 9, 2021
Lol no worries it was a ways backI didnt mind finding for you.
Like October 9, 2021
of course! I would be grateful to take it….
Like October 9, 2021
Like October 9, 2021
I’d like the coolest and chillest group of people to meet the coolest and chillest new member of my family.. Myles Ellis Dean Gunnum has arrived!
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1f60d.png what a beauty! God bless him! 2665.png
Like October 6, 2021
What a handsome young man he will be! May god and the universe bless you and your family. I hope he lives with good health to.
Like October 6, 2021
Oh my heart!❤ Congratulations!!
Like October 9, 2021
Sending love and much rest your way boss man! Congrats
Like October 9, 2021
I found out I am being induced to have my baby next Thursday! This has gone by so fast.. I am so unprepared to bring home a newborn that I will have to spend the next week scrambling around! Wish me l... View More
25 people like this.
Blessings upon blessings
Like September 18, 2021
For some reason my body wont naturally go into labor.. this is my fifth child and my fifth induction.. oddly im more afraid for this one than my first time when i was 16!
Like September 19, 2021
Joey Green
Peace, love and patience ..... lots of patience..... will see you through! Congrats! If this is your first, your life is about to pivot forever in a most beautiful way!
Like September 19, 2021
Wow! Congratulations! And good luck! Give that new little one nothing but love!
Like September 19, 2021
Anyone have any experience with nightshade? I've been given it twice without permission and the events during that time come back with an amnesia like feeling. Would like to speak with someone about d... View More
4 people like this.
1 cap of seeds is good enough for a high and i just took it like a med
Like August 16, 2021
Their the ones with spiked seed sacks?
Like August 16, 2021
Like August 16, 2021
I just took some last night
Like August 16, 2021
I have been having problems sleeping.. and I used to be an amazing dreamer. I was able to have movie like quality dreams and was trying out lucid dreaming techniques. In the last year I was the victim... View More
3 people like this.
Like June 30, 2021
Thanks.. means a lot!
Like July 1, 2021
Sometimes I believe that I have died before as well. There’s a theory floating around out there that says, in the multiverse, every version of ourselves is existing at once. That our consciousness splits off into whatever reality we don’t die in. Some think that this is the cause of the “mandela eff... View More
Like July 27, 2021
PS- no matter the case, the last ten years are defitely not fake no matter how you look at it. You’re here. I am most defitely here responding. Id im agine you suffer from PTSD. You’ll be okay in time. ❤️
Like July 27, 2021
The frustration of being unable to take a much needed trip.. this pregnancy is sure to be a trip itself!
9 people like this.
Thor Odinson
You are growing a human being. What's more trippy than that? Congrats
Like June 4, 2021
Has anyone here tried randonauting????
2 people like this.
Tried it a couple times. Havent been impressed but id like to give it another shot. What do you think of it so far?
Like August 16, 2020
I have not done it.. I saw a few videos of people doing it and it seemed they were looking for the negative.. I was wondering if any of DMT world has tried it in a positive light and what the outcome was for them. I looked into the creator of it and he seemed to be a good hearted person who just thi... View More
Like August 16, 2020
I saw it on the news about a month or so ago. It only happened that one time from what I’ve heard.
Like August 16, 2020
Hi.New guy.what is randonauting
Like August 27, 2020
I am struggling with life and myself. I am letting hurt from my past stay in my present and affect a lot.. I am going through a lot right now on top of it all and i feel myself getting overwhelmed and... View More
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I feel you pal. Be you a he or she, was this a romantic thing that went bad? I'm 7 months out of a 9 year relationship and I'm still not over her. It hurts constantly and I can't get past it. I hope you can.
Like August 8, 2020
Thank you guys.. You have all helped! I think I got so used to being the person who reacted to life and others that I forgot i can take control of my life and go to the places i want in my journey. I am perhaps a little to altruistic .. I think its time for me to find the balance I need to help peo... View More
Like August 10, 2020
Great to hear your perspective has shifted towards positive action. More power to ya!
Like August 10, 2020
Have been there. Step out of the darkness and take your blinders off. The world is dark because humans have made it that way. So we dwell in the darkness because it is our home. We are born into darkness to come out of it. I know its not popular these days but God is your answer. When you feel... View More
Like March 28, 2021
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