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Male. Lives in Brookfield, United States. Born on December 23, 1999. Is in a relationship.
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As above so below ???? ????
Lucid Dreaming / Out of Body Experiences
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Psychedelics » DMT
Is desmanthus safe to use for DMT?
2 people like this.
Yes you can, everything I have read it says it may contain a decent level of psychoactive compounds, including DMT and can be extracted like you would MHRB. It may not yield as much as MHRB and ACRB but you can use it and I havent found anything thing saying that it is not safe.
Like April 26, 2024
I need to find the best websites for spore syringes, any ideas?
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Sporeworks never let me down
Like June 29, 2022
sporeworks.com and shamanmushroomspores.com have both proven worthy.
Like June 29, 2022
Mushrooms.com is where I got my spore syringes before! Good ole hawkseye's been around forever!
Like July 1, 2022 Edited
I’m sorry peeps it’s been a while. I had to take care of a few things but I’m glad I’m back. Love for all
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Welcome back!
Like June 27, 2022
Hello yeah fam welcome back to the jam1f642.png send ya love
Like June 27, 2022 Edited
Why not do better when you know you could do better? Nomatter who you are, theres always room to do better, because space is infinite. Nomattter the time, because theres always time to do better. Time... View More
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The was something I used to say with one of my besties: Why am I going to be good if I can be excellent? 1f609.png
Like October 3, 2021
The mind full of psychoactives, some that empower certain dreamstates and cause out of body experiences!! And just a reminder this person does not belive in the idea of currency, nor does he believe i... View More
10 people like this.
Thought experiments are very powerful
Like October 4, 2021
Like October 4, 2021
John George Trump (August 21, 1907 – February 21, 1985) acquired approximately 20 out of 80 trunks of works and documents belonging to Nikola Tesla upon his death.
Now when did tesla die? Lets see
Aft... View More

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Lol thats wht mean, dont change that
Like October 2, 2021
Hehehe deal 1f609.png
Like October 2, 2021
Best read with coffee thx great sat am
Like October 2, 2021
Thank you so much calie means alot
Like October 2, 2021
Well, im sorry to all you trump supporters out there but theres something you gatta know.
Not talking shit or want to start any aruguments but what im about to post next time is all from doctumented ... View More

15 people like this.
It's funny because I always told my friends we are just technological hippies lol
Like October 4, 2021
sobelow, it was a block of text indeed! Lol I tried to read but the lack of punctuation, my attention deficit and my broken English didn't cooperate to understand everything. But being a very positive person, I see the world as we deserve it, and the only way we can change it is through self transf... View More
Like October 5, 2021
sobelow wow, i got thru it and agree. There is no point look at anything in isolation the picture is way bigger that we can imagine, its non dual and i like to think its gloriously divinne beyond description!
Like October 5, 2021
Like October 23, 2021
Tesla: I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn
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We were not prepared to it at his time. Lots to develop and learn. Lots of karma to pay. Lots of healing to reach... But I think we will get there soon when the big awakening reach the right vibrational frequency to tune and capture what he developed and got hidden from us. Every information can be ... View More
Like October 2, 2021
We're in a moment of upgrading through dimensions. I can perceive lots of people getting awakened slowly. Every person who gets awakened helps this process globally because everyone is connected and this elevation of the vibrational frequencies of the mind are spreading in waves. No wonder so many r... View More
Like October 3, 2021
You have a mind that reflected the stars, a heart that searched for truth... i have had one hell of a story. People dont seem to know who i am, neither do they seem to care.. oh well.. ill tell you wh... View More
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@Matthew Eloquent, kind and direct. Bravo! @kezekiel- no need to bait buddy. Most of us here see right through those kinds of posts. Relax, be yourself, and stay awesome!
Like September 19, 2021
Thank you so much stay true
Like September 19, 2021
So why post here ? Go to your guy ... Or share your knowledge and enlighten everyone. Either way your idea will be scrutinised and the truth plucked from it or not. ... View More
Like September 19, 2021
[email protected] promise to post your exchange
Like September 20, 2021
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