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Status Update

I just need to find out how to find San Pedro or any other cactus that actually contains mescaline. I bought 5 cuttings of San Pedro just to find out that they are absolutely weak in alkaloid content... View More
3 people like this.
Could be cuzco just lower content. Just gotta munch 2+ lbs instead of 1/2lb +
Like May 19, 2021
They are all diff. And i wouldnt focus on that one alkaloid. Unless your gonna do an extaction. There is alot more in there than just that. And each of them have different feels.
Like May 19, 2021
I would place them in a darker location for a few weeks, but be sure to check on them periodically in case a mold develops. Also, exercise extreme verbal abuse. Let it know how you're going to slowly cut it up into little pieces, boil it, mash it, etc. Make it regret ever wanting to grow ever again!... View More
Like May 21, 2021
Skipped straight to physical. I am currently spanking the cuttings but I think they like it and now my hand is bleeding.
Like May 21, 2021