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Does anyone have some experience with hbwr seeds? I need to chat real quick lol.
1 person likes this.
I love them but you have to get used to the stomach feeling especially at low doses they are no fun.
Like May 18, 2021
All the sites I keep finding san pedro on are selling the pc or cactus kate clone. Anyone know where to buy a San Pedro cactus outside of these clones?
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Is it normal to feel a little down mood-wise for a few days after 300 mics of 1p lsd?
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Only under wrongful circumstamce, wouldnt say its misuing them, ive had amazing trips off small doses and ive had amazing experiences off of a whole week if dedicating to the expereince its all about knowing your limits and expanding your comfort zone, theres an obvious limit you shouldnt reach but ... View More
Like March 18, 2020
Yea im the type to respect them. My first time using it was only 50 mics about 2 and a half years ago. Before that I dabbled in small quantities of dmt because it was all i could get my hands on and i wanted to experience psychedelics. I didnt feel i was ready for dmt so i gave it to a friend who ... View More
Like March 18, 2020
Yes exactly, i love finding out things about myself and i feel that taking the same dose is a very repetitive experince, i feel its for the more durable mind but larger doses or variation like doses are a more self inoroving then small doses i feel i waste the effects of it being a medicine when i d... View More
Like March 18, 2020
I normaly feel better for days after normal lsd nevr took 1p tho
Like March 19, 2020
18 people like this.
That is most excellent!
Like January 9, 2020
I'm really sorry to be that guy but this doesn't work. It's what you call a planet filter. If you do the positive edit it makes a planet from your landscape photo. It's tubular like this when you do the negative edit.
Like January 9, 2020
I have been waiting 2 weeks for colonization of a few agar dishes of mine. These dishes so far have nothing but white on them. However, they're not fully colonized yet. Is this bad? Any time I loo... View More
3 people like this.
Your temp my be to low? Try doing on another dish lol 75 to 80
Like October 26, 2019
Ive only read one article about lysergi's exit scamming accusations. Is it true?
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Yea they got me lol
Like October 2, 2019
Its all good. Just should have done what i had planned and gone with a new vendor. Just hard to trust any of them without people to tell you which ones they use.
Like October 2, 2019
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