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Status Update

Has anyone had any success with grain bags that are ready to be inoculated bought from any 3rd party sites? If so, what's your go to? I will be making my own most likely, but if I can find a reliabl... View More
1 person likes this.
thanks shroomday! My plan is to go both routes. I have a couple swabs, and a syringe. So I'll use a grain bag with syringe, and also work with agar with the swabs.
Like June 6, 2021
Joey Green
Anybody can commercially produce sterilized grain bags for sale ...... But if you want ones meticulously made with expertise, love, care and dedication ..... Jetjunky31 is truly your only option!
Like June 6, 2021
Like June 6, 2021
Thanks guys! Love how this community supports one another. You guys rock! I will 100 percent be buying from him.
Like June 6, 2021