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Lively Liquid Culture
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Cultivating contams
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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
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4 days into innoculation and these specs showed up. There were clumps in the syringe. Is this something to be concerned with?
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I had something like that in my first LC . It would colonize the grain but would bloom as soon as the mycelium had completely covered the fruiting substrate. I tried taking it back to agar. The samples would look clumpy on the agar . It would colonize the grain alright, then the same results in the ... View More
Like June 6, 2023
Has anyone ever seen Mycelium begin to grow in a H20 sterile solution syringe? I’m really hoping that isn’t wasnt contam starting to grow, because you guys have me willing to try stupid shit to get on... View More
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I’m going to give Agar a try next. I inoculated a grain bag with the Melmac spores I had and I’m hoping for success. I’m going to start setting everything up for my next go at it.
Like August 11, 2022
You can also do swab tek on Agar with your Melmac syringe. Here is great video on this subject. Be sure to streak multiple plates to. https://youtu.be/-rIFOt70YjE You can also make an innoculation loop. Something I'm planning to make next so I can save my swabs for other projects.
Like August 11, 2022
Second advice I would give is once you learn Agar do your best to avoid buying MSS. Aim to purchase swabs and prints. It will cost you less and you will have a higher success rate. That way you can get straight to isolations and transfers. Lastly you can make as many swabs or prints as you want of a... View More
Like August 11, 2022
You guys fucking rock, as usual! Much appreciated for all the advice and support!
Like August 11, 2022
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My first time making candy. These are .63mg each of 50/50 AA+ and Cambodian in Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate.
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So this is why the dinosaurs went extinct. They were chocolatey and delicious so all the other animals ate them.
Like July 30, 2022
This is what the officers warned me during the DARE program lol sadly nothing is free
Like July 30, 2022
Dopeeee candys!
Like August 1, 2022
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What is everyone’s favorite strain to study?
Mine has been PE6 so far!
*picture for attention(AA+) not my favorite*
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To me they are quite easy on the body yet spiritually and visually on another level. Also they work well for microdoses if one likes a little kick to every day life lol About growing them I appreciate that they give stable results no matter of their appearance. I’ve seen many expressions of th... View More
Like July 6, 2022 Edited
I wonder if Melmac purposely makes me take forever to innoculate to grain. lol If anything I take it as a are you ready? I'll be joining the church of Melmac soon so not to worry!
Like July 6, 2022
They might do that bro.
Like July 6, 2022 Edited
Mel's without a shadow of a doubt. you are right this is a tribute. Personally they have the best euphoria I've ever felt. The visuals are nearly identical to DMT for me. When I think of what a "pure" mushroom experience is I think of Mel's.
Like July 10, 2022
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Harvested my 2nd flush of AA+ and dunked the cakes just before leaving for 9 days. Nothing had even started to pin before I left. Came home to this ????????‍♂️
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Neglect tek is what I'm aiming for with my enigma..fanning doesn't work
Like June 14, 2022
Damn those are some leggy mo'fukkas
Like June 14, 2022
Reminds me of those little "snake" fireworks we had as kids. They would burn and grow .
Like June 15, 2022
Can't wait to see how mine will turn out!
Like June 15, 2022
posted a trip report.
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Nice report! I to have had an amazing time with PE6. I also had a fun time growing Huautla but haven't eaten it yet. I may try those next or my Vietnamese non cube species Ban Hua Thanon.
Like June 3, 2022
Alcabenzi now I have heard alot of crazy stories about that one. Definitely want to look into that one down the road.
Like June 3, 2022
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My first Neglect Tek. I split a 2.5lb 5-grain bag and 5lbs of sub between 2 shoe boxes. 75g dried. Blue Meanies and Cambodian are my next projects.
8 people like this.
Set it and forget it win win nice work
Like May 31, 2022
I'm gonna knock up some jars with Cambodians this weekend
Like June 1, 2022
Exactly the way I do it! Nicely done! Also thank you for sharing this same tek. I promise I'll be contributing soon later this summer. I got a big clean up to do in the storage space before I can start my next projects.
Like June 3, 2022
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Neglect TEK of AA+ has started to pin. To be honest, I don’t feel like I’ve neglected these very much because I’ve checked them every few days out of curiosity ????. It took some time for the mixed su... View More
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Second flush of Albino A+. There were very few fruits(10 total) but they were giant compared to the plentiful fruits of the first flush. Studied 6g Friday and it was the most intense visual study I ha... View More
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Nice work! I'm looking forward to spawning that soon.
Like May 24, 2022
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This one hurt my feelings folks…. Inoculated 3 bags with Blue Meanie and this one was the only one contaminated.
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This was my first time having an issue with contamination, so I’m curious if it was a Grain issue, or an issue during inoc.
Like May 19, 2022
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