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Agua de Florietta P

Female. Lives in United States.
606 Members
Music and Audio
Alan Watts Fans
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Psychology and Philosophy
Agua de Florietta P
Is a peaceful world society actually possible? Part of life is contrast and conflict it seems. Conflict that takes the form of trying to change someone else causes more problems, so it seems we have t... View More
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Heard! That hits on a personal level with me when it comes to my family as well. However, since birth, I've traveled a lot. So I'm partial to severing those ties when necessary. They're just on a different plane than we are. People like us are just trying to tune into the frequency of mother earth a... View More
Like April 7, 2020
Unfortunately, No. The thing about people is that we naturally fear what is different even when it’s not going to cause us harm. The other thing is that humans get easily stuck in certain thinking patterns, and its nearly impossible for someone to break out of that programming, especially alone. I’d... View More
Like April 7, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
Hi, I'm elaborating on my last post so I can get your perspectives. I know this is a great group of people but please remember to suspend judgement. My lived experience is unique to me and I stand by ... View More
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I was a tattoo artist for 18 years, growing up my dream was to make a living being an artist. Well. Stupid fucking idea cuz all it did was turn art into a job and it completely destroyed me. when $ became the only motivator,my artbrainportal slammed slammed shut and wtf,in hindsite i wish i kept m... View More
Like March 18, 2020
Money, is the devil, its slavery/pain tokens. Thats the danger i feel you should be focused on here, attaching it to the core of your identity struggles , how can you ever focus on being comfortable in your own skin when you are making it the difference between starving, or slavery.. it doesnt have ... View More
Like March 18, 2020
As far as the haterz, fuck em.
Like March 18, 2020
Hopefully, you’ll find other ways to pay rent, buy food, the essentials. Take advantage of this time to accrue new or develop skills that you hadn’t considered and market them. There’s absolutely no judgment here, just a maternal desire for you to think creatively. No need to sacrifice your body, di... View More
Like March 18, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
Hey y'all,
I haven't been very active on here cuz I've been working on myself. Last time I posted I was really struggling and I appreciated the advice and support I got.
I keep considering very self-des... View More

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Agua de Florietta P
To summarize... I've made a point in my life of facing my fears. But I'm wondering if some fears, which are to protect us, should be listened to.
Like March 16, 2020
Hey mate. Its nice to hear a post from you. Solitude can be healing and hopefully Alan Watts’ words have helped guide you further. It will be difficult to comment as you dont elaborate on the risky behaviours you are considering. The lizard brain gives rise to the flight, fight or fright response. ... View More
Like March 16, 2020
Great to see such a profoundly raw post. If yiu can elaborate, there’s some of us that can guide you with some experienced wisdom. Remember, you don’t have to fight or suffer alone. Mush love
Like March 16, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
I'm struggling to be content and engaged in each moment. I've been looking for spiritual answers all my life and I think I've found all the answers I need, but there's still this voice inside that jus... View More
4 people like this.
I have found many realizations in my life. The most important of them all, I have experienced in the pit of greatest turmoil. If you are religious, don’t be. Ritual only divides, it cannot heal you. Spirituality is indeed reality. It is indeed true. Religion has watered it down. Put it in the middle... View More
Like March 10, 2020
First and foremost, just from my experience if youre still living, than there must be something you want to live for. Doesnt matter how big or small. Secondly, The blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the Womb. If your family is willing to reject you, for being you, than they are not ... View More
Like March 10, 2020
A very thought provoking idea
Like March 10, 2020
Even when you feel you have hit the lowest point. Just remember, your not alone. There are many other people who have similar thoughts, and wants. Keep your chin up bro
Like March 10, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
This is what I'm coming to terms with cuz I struggle with feeling responsible for "fixing" people and situations due to ingrained guilt growing up in religion. Deserves a repost
6 people like this.
Climbing and shaking hands sounds simple and it is sorta how the world could cure the clap by not having sex for a week the problem is not everyone even in a perfect scenario will climb the fences to shake hands so were atuck with the problem all you can do is be the positive light
Like March 6, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
Haven't found a way to leave app feedback but two things I've noticed: when I leave comments sometimes the message is cut off and only the first word seems to be posted. Also I can't tag people to rep... View More
Agua de Florietta P
I've seen a lot of awesome abstract art here and am curious what it means to people. I've been drawing weird patterns for most of my life, like this poster I drew 6 or 7 years ago. I just did it cuz I... View More
Agua de Florietta P
I want to try bud trimming but don't really know anything about cannabis (how it's grown, which parts are used, different strains, etc). For medical reasons I don't smoke at all and have been going th... View More
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Yeah colorado regulations suck thats why i never got involved
Like February 22, 2020
T rex ophora
Yeah. I wouldnt even buy from that sort of situation just because i know that money is going to these theives writing these rediculous regulatory agencies. Im currently fighting against recreactional commercial legalization in vermont. We need to stop locking humans in cages over this shit but that ... View More
Like February 22, 2020
T rex ophora
Think about it, why wpuld someone need a lisense to be the cashier who sells flowers to the public? So the state can discriminate who gets the right to be part of it. Gaurentee there are rules about what legal history disqualifies you for this work. Break an unjust law, the lock u up, then they cha... View More
Like February 22, 2020
I dont lol i had medical for a.while but as well as the alchohol im not smoking unless someone litterally givea me free bud im all good lol mush and lsd from here on and im almost a week out on that im tryung to kot buy from any situation
Like February 22, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
How do I find work that I can actually not hate, and can maintain well enough to sustain myself without consuming me?
I've been planning and studying for a while now to do counseling but I think that's... View More

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Agua de Florietta P
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
F - having similar crisis at this very moment too
Like February 19, 2020
You live in the springs correct get mmj regustered and go start trimmimg find a good comoany and make lots of friends im willing to bet you get to the point fairly quickly that youll.be managing a factory grow if you care and try hard to learn about what your doing
Like February 19, 2020
And dont knock your physicall strength my wife is not very physically string but she will.still hit hard enough to break her own hand i beleive youl find what your looking for happy that your looking in the first place
Like February 19, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
I've started writing out my trip reports from my two Ayahuasca ceremonies at the beginning of the year. They're going to be long-ass reports and I'm really excited to share my experiences when it's do... View More
6 people like this.
No negative experiences just pure blisss i invite everyone to live as usa alien
Like February 5, 2020
Agua de Florietta P
The negative feelings come primarily from having seen such potential for goodness and wholeness in the world, but not seeing it practically now. Aya showed me life could be paradise, but most people are so blind that life ends up basically being hell. It's hard to feel hope. That's just been the mos... View More
Like February 5, 2020
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