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Agua de Florietta P

Female. Lives in United States.
606 Members
Music and Audio
Alan Watts Fans
440 Members
Psychology and Philosophy

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Agua de Florietta P
Is a peaceful world society actually possible? Part of life is contrast and conflict it seems. Conflict that takes the form of trying to change someone else causes more problems, so it seems we have t... View More
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Heard! That hits on a personal level with me when it comes to my family as well. However, since birth, I've traveled a lot. So I'm partial to severing those ties when necessary. They're just on a different plane than we are. People like us are just trying to tune into the frequency of mother earth a... View More
Like April 7, 2020
Unfortunately, No. The thing about people is that we naturally fear what is different even when it’s not going to cause us harm. The other thing is that humans get easily stuck in certain thinking patterns, and its nearly impossible for someone to break out of that programming, especially alone. I’d... View More
Like April 7, 2020