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Male. Lives in Polo, United States. Born on September 12, 1987. Is in a relationship.
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Been in a real dark place lately, but there has been a light at the end of the tunnel! Go to sign papers and take saliva test for new job tomorrow, orientation friday, and start next wednesday! Thank ... View More
8 people like this.
Glad things are working out for you brother! Mush love and good luck!
Like September 9, 2021
sunrise is the most beautifull thing its always after the darkest hours...
Like September 9, 2021
Congratulations! So glad things are brightening up!
Like September 11, 2021
Ever want to just disappear? Just grab a backpack n leave everything? Sucks having no options really
13 people like this.
The money is what stops me. If i could figure that out, id probably be walking rn
Like September 3, 2021
Thank you i will look into that! Ive been trying to find ways to make money online to hopefully someday be able to do such a thing but can never find things that arent scams lol thank you for this suggestion!
Like September 3, 2021
CaLi Uso
I know the feeling all to well. Ive left many times, but i end up right back where im supposed to be. You have to find the calm in the storm. ... View More
Like September 3, 2021 Edited
As said, u can do it. When u prioritize freedom it frees you from the material addictions. I used to see money as time travelling $100 thats me smoking hash in the Himalayas for a month… . When i was 19 i worked my ass off 70 hours a week saved $20000 and took off - 35 years later sti... View More
Like September 3, 2021
Hmm well aint that funny….
1 person likes this.
Just life atm… past mistakes finally catching up. But hey life right!
Like August 30, 2021
I feel like im drowning….
4 people like this.
Thank you guys, crazy how people that dont even know me are better to me than those i do! Hope yall have a good day!
Like August 24, 2021
Thor Odinson
Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily because life is but a dream... You're not alone bud.
Like August 24, 2021
Bro... the waters not that deep. Crouch on your knees or stand up.
Like August 24, 2021
Half an inch of water and we think we're gonna drown, thats the way that the world goes round
Like August 24, 2021
Hey bro check out the group Psychedelic6_team let me whatchu what you think
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Really tired of making others rich. Would love to start something of my own, no clue where to start….
11 people like this.
NuWisdom for the bark everything else is on amazon
Like June 25, 2021
Find something you want to do every day, i have been independent for some time now absolutely love it comes with some stress and a lot of responsebility tho
Like June 25, 2021
Thats what im trying to figure out. Ive thought of maybe trying to start growing and selling different varieties of plants, i do physical factory work now so that dont help start anything unless i become a millionaire lol
Like June 25, 2021
I feel this ????
22 people like this.
CaLi Uso
My library runs deep =]
Like March 10, 2021
Meme is incomplete My knowledge of being a normal human being & not dying - "picture of handful of shrooms"
Like March 10, 2021
Shroud fan i see.
Like March 10, 2021
Like March 12, 2021
Anyone know what the blackish brownish striping is on these? Wasnt there this morning. Anything to worry about?
5 people like this.
Ahh...i thought maybe it kinda looked like that just wasnt sure. First grow lol. Also i was kinda thrown off by it being on the highest one. Thank you!
Like February 19, 2021
Thank you guys! It is such an amazing feeling!
Like February 20, 2021
Capitano Sours
You made em pop baby! Congrats!
Like February 20, 2021
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