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Female. Lives in Roseburg, United States. Born on January 2, 1996.
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Likes to take pictures of mushrooms
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Do not. Fill your torch. Next to a lit candle.
16 people like this.
Glad you still have all your fingers and was able to forewarn everybody here with said fingers
Like September 22, 2021
We sould have a thread for “fun and practical safety tips”. I will piggy back on Bug’s ovservations: Do not smoke Chānga while watching re-runs of HeeHaw.
Like September 22, 2021
Like September 22, 2021
I sell torches at my job with the refillable butane and I cannot stress this enough! Always best to be outside where it is ventilated and away from any spark! Same goes when you spray your SAB with 70% Iso only for the fumes to be flammable when you accidentally try to flame sterilize equipment insi... View More
Like September 23, 2021
LOONAr is the code. Worth a shot for free, right?
Ive got THREE days off starting tomorrow and i dont even know what to do with myself.
4 people like this.
Self care is always a great place to start.
Like July 3, 2021
CaLi Uso
=X what he said^^
Like July 3, 2021
wouldnnt this be nice? The people can dream, right... But can we manifest as a whole?!
My baby mimosas are honestly amazing to watch grow... Any tips from experience on what they like to thrive with?
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17+Million users already is insane.... The mining rate may halve or fall to zero at Mainnet and when Pi reaches 100M engaged Pioneers. Don’t miss out! smile.gif Use code: LOONAr to get started.
Ue my vode LOONAr
I keep finding myself looking forward to this, so oo bad
Its already in phase 2, at phase 3 Pi will have an actual worth. The faster we grow the fastwr phase 3 hits.
Scroll past this post unless you dont mind reading a diary entry.
My boyfriend OD'd lastnight, i had to narcan him and preform cpr. Another friend called 911, and maan, i wished he didnt..... The para... View More

4 people like this.
Joey Green
I'm sorry you experienced that and are caught up in the whirlwinds of its aftermath. The truth is ..... you can't save your boyfriend nor can you even help him. Its something only he himself can do. If he truly cares about you ...... This should be a motivation for him to work on himself without ... View More
Like March 26, 2021
Dont be fooled by our help, opinions and advise, we all have differen perspectives and very different life situations. This is real trip, this is your life as much as it is my life. I am in charge of this whole thing, the more i am trying to find whos fault or why this is happening the more i waste ... View More
Like March 27, 2021
Yes i agree
Like March 27, 2021
Joey Green
There's the advice one seeks ..... and the advice one needs. Rarely do these two intersect. I'll just end this by pointing out one most important fact that has been mostly ignored in all this ..... What's truly best for your son? Meaning.... his security/safety, stability, predictable enviroment, h... View More
Like March 27, 2021
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