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London Psychonauts
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Looking for a DMT expert .
7 people like this.
Oops, perhaps i was naive! I certainly didnt mean i could help source an illegal substance. Help with information of course!
Like December 30, 2020
Well, I have never had any experiences with psychedelic substances (early 30's now) and when I first heard about DMT I thought: "that's what I am looking for", however, it is an illegal substance in the UK so I have no idea where to start. I did a little search online and found a guy explaining the ... View More
Like January 5, 2021
Check out the Meetup and communities group. There is a UK group. I’m sure someone their can tell you which items you can buy in the UK to do an extraction. They will likely have a tech using those items too.
Like January 5, 2021
Thank you
Like January 5, 2021
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