by on January 8, 2020
Existence is amusement  The day began with my brother and I drinking dud shroom tea, 3g and no effects, so after 70min, I get the acid out! 200ug on the tongue, and off we go We had a great day by the spa with my sober partner, while we were tripping and I was smoking weed to increase the visuals when I have a dose smaller than 300ug, it also makes me happier because I love weed. I really enjoyed being outside for nearly the whole day, just laying down looking at the trees and the bright bl...
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by on July 27, 2019
Hello all, and thank you for following my most recent journey and revelations!  I hope that this guides you on your own enlightenment! Those of us who are able to readily access Spice, may note that the trip can be overwhelming, brought on with a heavy body load, and so much is occurring at once, that we are only able to remember a small portion of what we were meant to be taught from the experience.  While I was excited to be able to explore this realm at will, I found myself overwhelmed and ne...
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by on July 20, 2019
Disclaimer: Syrian Tea is a MAOI.  Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs, MAOI) is a class of antidepressants. They are infrequently prescribed because of concerns about interactions with particular foods and several drug interactions. Side effects, drug interactions, storage, dosage, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to taking any medication.  Please use responsibly! Last night (Swim) made a Syrian Rue tea, waited about an hour, then went to bed and meditated to prep...
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