by on July 20, 2019

Disclaimer: Syrian Tea is a MAOI.  Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs, MAOI) is a class of antidepressants. They are infrequently prescribed because of concerns about interactions with particular foods and several drug interactions. Side effects, drug interactions, storage, dosage, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to taking any medication. 

Please use responsibly!

Last night (Swim) made a Syrian Rue tea, waited about an hour, then went to bed and meditated to prepare.  

Swim had a trash can handy just in case, as breakthrough's can cause purging, but luckily did not need it.

Using a small bed of Oregano, Swim created a sandwich with a light layer on top.

Swim lightly lights the cone, small draws clearing the carb on a standard smoking device.

The first hit was slight, the second hit brought on prismatic vision, the third and final inhalation was the trick.

Unpon exhaling, Swim was thrust into the Alpha Dimension, a vortex of colors flushed through Swim, and Deities could be felt scratching and removing blockages off of his Pineal Gland.

Swim went further, witnessing the God Head of Creation, in what can almost be described as the Tetragrammaton or a tesseract, a Hyderdimensional geometric super computer that is the Source of all Conciousness. 

Swim was informed that everything is of this Source, things we cannot even begin to imagine, and that the Human experience is just one of infinite ways Source manifests itself.

Swim was then thrust further, and could not bear to look upon the magnificance that was unfolding, power beyond comprehension and beauty that perpetually dance and shifted into itself, clad in vibrant whites and greens.   

Swim became overwhelmed, and had to sit up and reassert his will.

Swim was his own Shaman, drawing on his past journeys to reassert control, and learned that his space was a sacred, inviolate space.  Comforting himself with a Mantra "Slow... Too much... I am safe... I am loved... this is my space", Swim's body relaxes and he opens his eyes, by sheer will of the Mantra bringing the room into focus just enough that Swim could process what he experienced.

Swim recalls from past sessions the lessons he learned in breathing and seeking resonance, and constructs a Palace, a in the simple shape of a box with a triangle atop.  Swim uses this sigil to ward his mind when it blossoms into a double pointed triangle before exanding into a 4th dimension shape that was even stronger. 

Swim uses his Palace and Mantra as a vehicle to maintain sanity while witnessing totality.  

Swim knows that as he returns from this trip, that the cosmic mind is stripping him of his memories, until they are as ethereal as dreams, and is greatful!

One cannot look into the workings on reality, and not be humbled by it's terrorific majesty.


This was Swim's first Rue, and it was incredible.  

With the Rue, Swim was able to exert his conciousness to slow down and fully observe the rich depth and detail, that was missing on prior breakthroughs.

Swim did have a fear that he would purge, and even doubts that the Rue was maybe making this too intense, but Swim looks back and can state that navigating and absorbing the trip was much smoother, the onset was calm, his body was tense more out of expectation than the onset, and Swim was able to will past the unease.  

Swim will surely do this again, though Swim will do the following will know ensure to better prepare.

Swim will fast on light vegetables, and have a friend present, and allow himself to purge as necessary, to reach full immersion.

Swim is will be experimenting with Changa/ Xanga and Enhanced Leaf soon, with additional trip reports to come.

Swim would like to challenge readers to look into the following scientific and philisophical circles:

- Robert Lanza on the Theory of Biocentrism -

- John Hockenberry on The Universe as a Hologram -

- Alan Watts Nature of Consciousness -

- Elon Musk on The Simulation Theory -

It's Swim's belief that these theories are in essence correct, and hope that as we continue to explore our only true Frontier, these truths will empower us to live our best lives.

Thanks for reading, learning, and always growing!  Peace, Love, and Light to everyone!


Posted in: DMT, Pharmahuasca
17 people like this.
Like August 6, 2019
Nick- Rue is an inhibitor and was originally used as an anti depressants.
Like August 6, 2019
Victor- I found 15 minutes is all it takes too, though no harm in waiting a bit longer.
Like August 6, 2019
intriguing experience!
Like July 3, 2022