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Psychonauts Australia & New Zealand
216 Members
Meetups and Communities
Psilocybin Mushrooms Australia & New Zealand (PMANZ)
306 Members
Thanks everyone who's shared information on here or elsewhere. Did my first extraction and gave a few of us a great experience new years eve.
7 people like this.
We love hearing these type of posts!
Like January 2, 2020
Hello! I have some changa I've tried but no idea how dosed it is. Is there a risk that I take too much? Had an amazing journey first time off one rip. No chance of a second hit, I was gone. So not sur... View More
4 people like this.
Thanks folks!
Like October 15, 2019
I’m trippin lucy right now so you know I’m on my A game, but serious, how funny is this fucking post? No? Try it with an asian voiced chihuahua. Am I right? Dude, just hit it and enjoy the ride. Dose is only an issue if there’s not enough when it comes to deems.
Like October 16, 2019
if you can get the second hit in - go for it ! Shit gets real weird though. Its pretty self-regulating in that respect, as long as you have a safe setting ...maybe going that deep you might want a sitter in case (even in the cases of experienced psychonauts... sometimes folks can 'attempt to physica... View More
Like October 25, 2019
Hello! Apologies I am new to this site and useless at navigating and searching.
Happy to be linked to the right place.
I'm just trying to understand identifying acacia confusa in Australia. Or any oth... View More

4 people like this.
If your close to my part of Australia, I’d love to connect 1f642.png
Like September 23, 2019
Well, there's only so many populated cities in the south East 1f609.png
Like September 23, 2019 Edited
Can anyone help me ID this?
What are people's thoughts about buying acacia bark online? Very har to find a suitable species anywhere near me.
1 person likes this.
Hey, just joined myself. Did you eventually find some online in Oz?
Like February 14, 2020
6 people like this.
I was totally there with you while reading that..It was beautiful.
Like September 22, 2019
The acacia store (google it) has great bark to die your shirts with1f642.png
Like June 6, 2020
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